Multiple remotes?
I am new to this (htpc not computers) and plan to build an htpc but am still in development stages. my question is can you use multiple remotes with xbmc, meaning if i use a kinnect, xbox controller, IR remote, or tablet will their drivers or add-ons cancel eachother out. (i just want to make sure everything will work corectly without running into any hickups along the way)
I plan to use an IR remote or my Sony Tablet S (has IR transmitter built into it) and I cant see how there would be a problem there but I was more woried about if using an xbox controller would mess up any configurations with the IR remote and if I were to use Kinect would I be stuck without a remote at all.I ask because kinect could be cool but I dont think I would want to use it all of the time)
I plan to do a build similar to the A6-pack build ( (same case, mobo, remote, 4gb ram, small SSD and stream media from an NAS or 2tb internal HHD)
Windows 7 or 8 (still deciding if i want xbmc to auto start on windows 7 or make use of metro on windows 8)
No problems, there are separate keymaps for each as well that you can customize.
Ok cool. Thanks! The build should show up on here soon as the funds come together.

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Multiple remotes?0