Random Artwork - Music - Full Screen

Is anyone experiencing "wrong artist extra fanart" when playing music in full screen mode?

My exact scenario:

(only sometimes this does not happen always)

I play an album like Thirty Seconds to Mars then when i go into full screen mode and my extra fan art starts to kick in, it is another artist other than Thirty Seconds to Mars.

If i kill XBMC and restart it fixes the problem - then a few albums later it comes back.

I do not experience this issue with MQ4 or MQ3 ...

Just wondering if anyone else has seen this
Gentlemen -

I take back my original comments - this is now happening on both mq4 and Ace when i play music (was not happening about a week ago while i was on Eden and MQ3)

Can someone who uses xbmc for music has this same issue before I wipe everything clean and start over.

I am really hoping i dont have to do that and this is just a bug ...

Music fans ? anyone ?

Big Grin

Many many thanks in advance
I have had this same issue in the past dugan26 - I think I posted it elsewhere and a reply came in stating it was an issue with the artist slideshow plugin.

I don't remember having the problem for a while, but unfortunately don't know what I did (if anything) to fix it. Are you using Frodo 12.2?
I am on Frodo 12.2 -

Thanks for the info Buff !!!
Hi dugan26,

Thought I would play some 30 Seconds To Mars music and see if the same problem appeared on my machine and it didn't. I played a playlist and then some 30 Seconds and then went back to a playlist, as that is how I remember having the issue before - going to and from different sources etc...

Ace/Artist Slideshow showed various fanart of them on both the home screen and the now playing screen, so all was fine. You could try and uninstall/reinstall the artist slideshow plugin and if necessary re-scrape all artists.

You might have more luck on the artist slideshow plugin thread - http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=124880
Thanks man - will give that a try

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Random Artwork - Music - Full Screen0