Newbie Hardware check
Hi all,

My name is John and I am new to the XBMC world. A bud of mine has an XBMC setup through his laptop, and I have seen what it is capable of and want to make a setup for a tv or 2 myself. Thanks in advance for all of your help.

I am primarily interested in streaming live TV through XBMC and the reasoning behind this post is purely a hardware check. Please let me know if I have all my bases covered with the following hardware to stream live TV in the US:

Intel NUC
2GB RAM stick
Couple flash drives
USB wireless keyboard or remote

Will this suffice to stream live TV?

Thanks again,
How are you planning to live stream TV? Do you have a PVR system setup in the environment? In order to stream Live TV or even record it you will need a PVR/DVR function and a means to capture the TV stream. Some people do it with Capture cards, out of the question with the NUC unless you do USB, and some do it with IP based streaming devices. These two setups will still require a PVR system and XBMC with a supported PVR plugin can read the data.
HTPC(s): All running LibreELEC
  • AMD 2200G APU on Gigabyte AB350N-Gaming WIFI-CF
  • RPI3 x2 | RPI2 x2
NAS: FreeNAS (Latest Stable) | NFS/CIFS
Yep all looks good.

You will need a LiveTV usb stick though for tv reception.
(2014-01-05, 21:56)pyrodex Wrote: How are you planning to live stream TV? Do you have a PVR system setup in the environment? In order to stream Live TV or even record it you will need a PVR/DVR function and a means to capture the TV stream. Some people do it with Capture cards, out of the question with the NUC unless you do USB, and some do it with IP based streaming devices. These two setups will still require a PVR system and XBMC with a supported PVR plugin can read the data.

Thanks for the prompt reply. Would I not be able to get a USB tuner stick and then run a backend PVR with the frontend addon/interface to watch? Or, is that essentially what you are saying I will need. I won't need this device to be near my DVR provided by my cabe provider, correct?

(2014-01-05, 21:56)zag Wrote: Yep all looks good.

You will need a LiveTV usb stick though for tv reception.

Thanks. Any recommendations? Or just the cheapest one I can find? I usually purchase on amazon since I get free 2 day shipping and they generally have decent prices.
I have satellite TV, this one works perfectly with openelec and windows

Or if you use terrestrial TV you can try this

Both will work with TVheadend on linux platforms
(2014-01-05, 22:58)zag Wrote: I have satellite TV, this one works perfectly with openelec and windows

Or if you use terrestrial TV you can try this

Both will work with TVheadend on linux platforms
Should I be concerned if those will work in the US as well?
This "Avertv Hybrid Volar Max TV Tuner Kit for Windows" should do the trick...
>Alienware X51- do it all HTPC
>Simplify XBMC configurations
>HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC
I refused to watch movie without bitstreaming HD audio!
Hmm I'm still having trouble. Is this going to get me only the channels I already get from my cable provider? Or will I be able to stream many?
(2014-01-15, 05:54)JohnnyD Wrote: Hmm I'm still having trouble. Is this going to get me only the channels I already get from my cable provider? Or will I be able to stream many?

It gets you whatever the source is you plug it into!

In the UK thats freeview digital TV, and freesat. Both are unencrypted.

No idea about the USA sorry.
Ok, thanks for the help thus far.

So, I booted up and have Openelec and XBMC installed. Now, how do I get addons like SuperTV and NaviX installed on the NUC? Is there a thread someone could point me to?

Thanks in advance.
I'd be curious to know how 1080i broadcast look. How well does the de-interlacing work on the Celeron 847?

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