Updated to 19.2, scanning for new media never finishes anymore
(2021-10-17, 02:08)Karellen Wrote: How about you install Kodi on your Windows PC with direct access to the local share.
So yeah i installed kodi on my PC, where the folders are and selected the same folder and it began to scrape through the movies instantly. Thats gotta be then some form of network related issue then i assume ?

Kodi on the shield detects the folders and everything no problem, also can play the files via the file manager tab when my smb is added. Its just when it goes to scrape, it just will not move past the first movie from the fresh install.
(2021-10-17, 02:16)ThatSlimGuy Wrote: Its just when it goes to scrape, it just will not move past the first movie from the fresh install.
Lets see if enabling those components will add more details.
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(2021-10-17, 02:24)Karellen Wrote: Lets see if enabling those components will add more details.

Trying this now.

Just to note. As im trying this. Its doing the same thing which is fine, but if i got to stop scanning, it doesnt stop scanning. And then if i got to quit kodi from menu, it hard freezes on the screen. Hard to hard quit it.

 But here we go..


Edit: Just to note, when it gets stuck on that movie, it sits on the screen at 89% and does not move the entire time.
Sorry, this is beyond me. There is absolutely nothing in the log to show a problem. I don't even see any component logging.

I see you scraping 2 Days In The Valley, then the log ends shortly after.

I am going to have to leave you in the hands of more experienced Android users. I normally deal with Windows issues.
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(2021-10-17, 02:59)Karellen Wrote: Sorry, this is beyond me. There is absolutely nothing in the log to show a problem. I don't even see any component logging.

Im getting the impression its the shield. I just loaded up kodi on the xbox, and tried the same folder and went to scrape and it just started adding movies pretty much instantly. So its gone beyond what i can get my head around now as to why the shield has just all of a sudden just stopped wanting to scrape at the very least. 

And yeh that one movie is the one is gets stuck on trying to add and just never gets past it at all
(2021-10-17, 02:59)Karellen Wrote: Sorry, this is beyond me.

I changed scraper and it adds movies without issue instantly.... im so lost on this lol
(2021-10-17, 04:14)ThatSlimGuy Wrote: I changed scraper and it adds movies without issue instantly.... im so lost on this lol
Really? That is crazy weird.

@matthuisman provided some advice that might be worth checking out, but for some changed his mind and removed his post. Might be worth a try?
Quote:I had to disable http2 in advanced settings file
I'd be interested to know if this works.
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Yeh, I found that wasn't the fix for me.

Turned out my issue was I had set curl timeout to 10 seconds in my advanced settings. And for some reason in 19.2, the curl was timing out.
So I increased to 30 and fixed.
I had increased when I changed the http2 setting so I thought that was the fix originally

Looks like the slow requests was due to my DNS resolution was very slow which ended up being issue with my Adguard. Once I set DNS to, it was flying again
(2021-10-17, 04:26)matthuisman Wrote: Turned out my issue was I had set curl timeout to 10 seconds in my advanced settings.

What was the original issue you had ?
Just new movies wouldn't scan in. It wouldn't freeze though. Just error on each with a curl timeout. But if you have no timeout, maybe it could just sit there forever. Try disable http2 and try setting the curl timeout. Then be interested if it stops is stalling and instead gives you a curl error and moves on to next movie

(2021-10-17, 04:38)matthuisman Wrote: Try disable http2 and try setting the curl timeout

Was it the client one to change or the low speed one ?

I change my scraper and it seemed to be ok, after having to fully delete kodi and then also full reset my Shield. So its confused the hell outta me where the issue actually lies. Im waiting for it to finish scraping as i only added one folder. Id rather use tmdb as default scraper, but its the one thats just not even moving past the first movie
I am experiencing the same issue. Also on an Nvidia Shield, though not convinced that is the issue.

This has been going for a while now and haven't had a lot of time to deal with it. To work around, I have been adding new shows by going directly to the show under Files and using the Scan to library function instead of scanning the entire folder.

While doing this yesterday for another new show, it was hanging when adding this single new show. This new show was atypical in that it had some combined episodes.

Avatar The Last Airbender - S02E12S02E13 - Chapter Twelve The Serpent's Pass - Chapter Thirteen The Drill.mkv
I tried the different renaming schemes listed in the wiki, but I couldn't get it to finish the scan.

I then tried checking the log with debug enabled, but nothing was revealed that I could see. The only real errors I could see had something to do with the Getart function and website parsing.
ERROR <general>: Parse: Could not find scraper function GetArt
ERROR <general>: Run: Unable to parse web site

So I went ahead and split the multi episode files into discreet files, deleted the existing nfos and rescraped with TinyMediaManager.
After that, everything scraped perfectly.

I saw that changing the curl timeout worked for @matthuisman , but I'm using all local nfo, so not sure that would make a difference for me.

Now I have to figure out where the other offending files are without being able to rely on the log it seems. Even exiting Kodi to flush the memory to the log hasn't proved effective in showing where the issues are. If I figure anything else out, I'll post back.

I figured out my issue.

Had nothing to do with multipart episode naming. It was due to TinyMediaManager creating an erroneous file when running the rename and cleanup operation.

I created a bug report here.

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Updated to 19.2, scanning for new media never finishes anymore0