Installing SVN Repo Installer
I am trying to add plugins to my XBMC. In XBox there was an option to add plugin..then you find it and it gets added on.

I am not finding that option in this program. Can someone please point me to instructions on how to install plugins in the windows based XBMC. Thanks.

-PS I have a folder for scripts but its empty and when I right click on it there are no options that pop up to add stuff. Thanks.
Kodi v17.6
Gigabyte GA-Z85N-WIFI + Intel 4670K with onboard gfx / sound
Win 7 Prof 64bit + Denon X3100 + Benq HT1070
Help is in the first sticky
If you still have trouble, theirs a section for plugins in Navi-X backed up since 3/15/09. Installs were tested and work.
I just moved the SNV repo pluging folder from programs to videos and now it shows up fine. I just didn't have a program section on my menu.
Kodi v17.6
Gigabyte GA-Z85N-WIFI + Intel 4670K with onboard gfx / sound
Win 7 Prof 64bit + Denon X3100 + Benq HT1070

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