Playback Failed! from WHS source
I am attempting to use XBMC on my MacBook Pro to view content stored on a Windows Home Server. The video files are in MP4 format and can be viewed on an XBOX360 on the same network.

I am able to see the Media Connect Folder in XBMC on the Mac and add it as a source. I am then able to browse the list of files stored on it.

When I attempt to select and play one of the files nothing happens for a few minutes until eventually an error message pops up saying "PLAYBACK FAILED".

Any ideas? This looks like an awesome piece of software, if only I can get it to work.
Debug log on pastebin!
Forgive my ignorance. I can't find the log file. Can I get an assist? Please point out where to locate it. I am running XBMC on a Mac.
Here is the log...
This one has the debug log on.
DEBUG: libdvdnav: vm: failed to open/read the DVD
ERROR: Error on dvdnav_open
ERROR: CDVDPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening []

looks like a DVD and a video file in MP4 format ?
It is a MP4 video file that was ripped off of a DVD using Handbreak. The same file streams from the Windows Home Server and plays fine on my Xbox 360 over the network.
Does anyone have any ideas?

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Playback Failed! from WHS source0