Can someone help me please?
If you haven't seen it yet I've made an Aeon based theme -


But the background texture is 1280x720 and doesn't look as good as I'd like it when running XBMC at 1080p. So if someone with better graphical skills than me could make a 1920x1080 version without the actual pattern getting enlarged I'd be very grateful.


Download link
Hopefully this is what you need...

Awesome, thanks.

By the way, how'd you do it?
No problem, In PS With a canvas of whatever size filled with whatever shade/colour (I used a dark grey)

Go to filter > Noise > Add Noise

Tick Monochromatic, select either Uniform or Gaussian and adjust the amount to where you want.

Uniform is uniformly distributed noise and the other generates normally distributed (or Gaussian) noise, either one might give you the effect you want.

It will be really easy for you to get it exactly how you want.
I REALLY Like the look of the Darker background the links dead though :-(
It's in the skin so you can get it from my source.
Ohhh I missed that Thanks :-)

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