Quick slider question...
Does the <aligny> tag not have an effect on slider controls, or am I missing something...?
shouldn´t be needed i think, align(y) only makes sense if you do not know the dimensions/aspect ratio of the image you´re showing.
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(2012-07-11, 19:48)phil65 Wrote: shouldn´t be needed i think, align(y) only makes sense if you do not know the dimensions/aspect ratio of the image you´re showing.

It's for the labels though, you can do so for radio buttons and spin controls, but it doesn't seem to make difference for sliders...

if You mean "sliderex" then <aligny> is forced to center, so defining anything won't have any effect anyway
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(2012-07-11, 20:56)pieh Wrote: if You mean "sliderex" then <aligny> is forced to center, so defining anything won't have any effect anyway

Yeah, that's what I meant. Thanks for the response.

(2012-07-11, 20:56)pieh Wrote: if You mean "sliderex" then <aligny> is forced to center, so defining anything won't have any effect anyway

Would be better if you could overwrite that setting (I asked for that some time ago)... some fonts need to be adjusted with aligny set to top and textoffsety. Same goes for button controls in some dialogs, e.g. addon settings.

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