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I, as many, rip my DVDs to easify my viewing from XBMC. I encode all my movies to XVID or H.264 to save disk space.

But then I miss all the (un)important bonus material!

What I want is XBMC to see folders like this:

/movies/V for Vendetta/
/V for Vendetta.avi

/Making of.avi
/Deleted Scenes.avi

And then display a menu when the folder/movie poster is clicked. This menu would perhaps contain some of the imdb-info, buttons for the extra-material sub-menu and other features (such as subtitles) and a button for playing the main feature.

Of course this would be limited compared to the DVD-menu, but the functionality would be there, and it would be easy to whip something together while ripping the movie (and bonus material).

I know some work would be needed to accomplish this, but think of the possibilities!!


- Grandars
there are some container formats that can do this kind of thing...
Disk space is cheap - just rip the dvd as-is.

The above sort of thing is easily achieved if you can program, but I'd wager it'd be far less hassle just to shell out for a bigger drive in your media server Wink
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So there is support for DVD menus now? How can this be accomplished with my already ripped movies?
it can't
Yes it can, if you reauther a DVD but quality will suffer. Rerip the DVD, it does not take long and you have the original menu. I plan to put all my DVD's on a NAS when I find a cheap one which is good enough for me
I beleive hes talking about his movies allready ripped to avi format and putting a menu on them
Indeed I did. So what I'm wondering is what container formats supports menues? Would for example Matroska playback in XBMC give me menues?
Sounds like you should look at RatDVD.

XBMC can't play it yet but maybe in the future XBMC. Who knows.
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I've been looking around, but haven't found anything yet. Is there any solution to this as of 2009 here?


see there's been some more recent activity in this thread, on similar topic, so i'll post there:
mpeg-4 standard includes menus.
There a a number of DVD rippers that will retain DVD structure and just compress the content (lossy of course) or even just keep the original quality (zero loss)

Sadly, if you don't have the original DVD, then this isn't an option.

So for some of us who have movies / tv stuff with bonus's just tough luck, you need to find another way of organising your media. For TV shows it's easy... create a fake season, and fake NFO's.... one NFO for each of your bonus material. For movies, there's no viable (simple) option.

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