v14 When MediaPortal server is offline kodi still tries connecting with CPU loading
I have latest OpenELEC on a Raspberry Pi2 and Mediaportal on a windows 7 PC on the same networking group. I have activated media portal XBMC server and the client on raspy.
Everything works fine, but when I shut down the PC raspberry still continues to try connecting to mediaportal server with the popup error even if I'm not trying to watch tv or something related.
I have disabled the warning popup, but OpenELEC is slowed down by the connection retries and CPU is loaded with about 10% on one core. If I deactivate Media portal client then CPU is 0%.
Is there a way to tell kodi to only try connecting while I try to watch TV? I also would like that kodi automatically send a WOL when TV function is selected.

Thanks for suggestions!

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When MediaPortal server is offline kodi still tries connecting with CPU loading0