Movie-XML (Online Movie Database) scraper
Lightbulb is a new website and online database of movies. What makes it different from other online movie databases (like is that it is based on the open source TheTVDB PHP code (which is the same as the site that the TheTVDB scraper in XBMC uses), and it lets any registered user on the site update entries themself (and upload thumbnail posters/covers and metadata), similar to a wiki.

Since it uses the same database as TheTVDB it will hopefully not be so hard to copy and modify the existing TheTVDB scraper in XBMC to make a new "Movie-XML" scraper for use in XBMC.

Note! Special fields in the database include trailer links, box office statistics and movie budgets.
XBMC does not yet support those special fields but maybe if a scraper existed it could be added?

Any volunteers?

PS! The current limit on cover/poster uploads seems to be 419 pixels wide.
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From the XBMC SVN changelog:
Quote:2007-10-09 10484 added : Movie-XML scraper with permission of site owner.
Thanks C-Quel XBMC is only missing those extra fields in the database for trailer links, box office statistics, and movie budgets Rolleyes
i really really really dont see the need for them. plus it would require redoing some of the db code.

trailer, you already have the movie. who cares about box office statistics, we're not sheep are we? and budget. pfft, slap your penis on the table if you really want to compare sizes

my 0.02
Gamester17 Wrote:XBMC is only missing those extra fields in the database for trailer links, box office statistics, and movie budgets Rolleyes
If I could only choose one of those to add to the database (and displayed in the 'info' screen) then it would be the "trailer link", it's especially usefull to find a movie you are in the mood for and like to watch if you have a large movie collection and you have friends over.

There is actually a few other similar suggestion threads for how to handle/associate locally stored trailers, see:

PS! Trailers are a very popular thing, ...why to you think the AMT script/plugin gets so much attention.

My 2 cents Big Grin
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because you are looking for a movie to watch. BEFORE you obtain it.

anyways, others are free to implement it
here´s another supporter of the trailer feature...I think it would be great, something I´ve hoped would be added for some time.
trailer links from that site were problematic at the time i tested as i had it all running... but as spiff said unless is a recommendation its pointless ... press play press skip a few times "home brew trailer"
I for one would still like to be able watch the trailer even if I have already seen the movie myself.

Having that option from the 'info' view would make that very convenient.
right...and like others have pointed out in other threads, the usefullness really isn´t to be able to watch trailers for your own movies you´ve seen a billion times. Many people have "friends" who come over to watch movies, which in many peoples´cases, tend to reside on the xbox (the movies, not the friends). These friends don´t necessarily know your movies like you do, and having the option for them to scan through and view the trailers before picking a movie I believe would be a very worthwhile feature indeed.
Another vote for the trailers from me. I've wanted this feature for a while now. The 2 other HTPC frontends I've used have it and I used it all the time.
Not to sound negative but this trailers addition has been tossed around for a few years now and just wont go anywhere. Im certain anyone with enough background would have done it by now but aside of that there is Spiff... I understand his view but I doubt we could force the guy without the use of small explosives and pliers.
correct. i will not add something i personally find useless.

but again, i'm not standing in the way of the feat being added. i just wont do it
It seems the scraper is displaying the wrong info in XBMC...

It's aimed at the 'Extended Overview' on the site, where we would need it to point to the 'Short Overview'.

The problem is in more depth here...

(Page 12)

Can the scraper be fixed to point to the correct section?
Thats not the correct section you point to... Short Overview is an Outline of the movie in question. Extended is the Summary, lets not forget this is a fairly new site give it chance to settle.

Oh and for arguements sake heres a link to how things should be filled out.

Sorry but it is not broken and i wont break it for the sake of incomplete info on a site Smile if you want to make yourself useful to both teamxbmc and the guys at movie-xml why not use some spare time to help the guys with there info, after all we started using there site at a VERY early stage.
Heh guys, I run the movie-xml site. Can I make sure your using the getmovie.php interface? It seems one plugin was using the old interfaces which is generating lots of 440 missing errors in my webserver logs.

Lots of long Overview entries have been added recently so hopefully that solves the problem takled about above. Remember the database is open to anyone who wants to add data.

Last thing is trailers, I am still trying to find a good way of storing them, currently its just a youtube link so you would need a youtube plugin like meedios has. I'm open to a better way to impliment this though.

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