Music playlists
One of the features that I used a lot in XBMC on the xbox was the ability to make playlists on the the go and save them. Using the Linux port I can create queue an item if I right click on the mouse and can then go to now playing and see the play list and I can even see the save function but........I can't find the playlist after I have saved it and I can't get to the mouse right click menu using the mceusd remote, has anyone figured this out?
You are not using the Library?
If not poor you, and you need to add this source:
Not sure it can be added through the GUI
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A bug?
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sho Wrote:Not sure it can be added through the GUI

Of course it can. add source > music playlists
It can most certainly be added through the GUI.

1. Add Source.
2. Browse.
3. Select "Music Playlists"

There may be merit in having this as a default source - I'm not sure.

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it used to be a default as it was a base source. (way back from the xboxmediacenter.xml days.)
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Music playlists0