PC hangs after exiting XBMC (only after DVV)

If I use XBMC for listening to music, I can close XBMC and my PC works fine.

However, if I watch a DVD (ripped VOB files), XBMC works fine after the movie, but when I close XBMC, my PC hangs.

Anyone else notice this?

Same problem here.
Trying to install older svn build, to see since when problem started.
PC doesn't hang, but Vista shows application error on XBMC exit.
Why not post a log?
How do I post a log? Do I just look at the xbmc.log file? Is there a way to get extra debug info?

The problem is that I exit xbmc, they system shows the desktop, I can see the mouse cursor move, then it freezes up. Have to reset the PC.

Just reboot and post us the debug log via pastebin.
Additional questions:
- How did you play the files (vob file started, .ts file started, play via context menu, etc)?
- How long do we have to watch it (until the end or only a few minutes)?
- How and when did you exit XBMC (while playing the video via the cross, exiting video and then exit XBMC, etc)?

I wasn't able to reproduce it until now.
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I enabled debugging, and paste the log file here:


Answers to your questions:

- Played DVD files from HDD by selecting Play from the Context Menu
- Just watched a few minutes.
- I exited the video by pressing ESC to do to main menu, (DVD was playing in the background). Then clicked the "power" button on the bottom right of the screen, then the power button in the pop-up.

If I stop the DVD and listen to music, or do anything else, it still crashes. If I just listen to music, then it exits fine.

Nothing indicates a crash in the log but I never saw such a log output of libdvdnav.
Anyway could you try a later build of XBMC? If you prefer a stable build you can try 9.04.1-repack2 on sf or get a newer third party svn build from the sticky thread.
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Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
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Doh! Sad

I just noticed that if I play a DVD with Power DVD, the same thing happens...

After I exit Power DVD, the desktop returns for a few seconds then freezes up.

Maybe it is a codec problem?
Strange - Just tested Windows Media Player 11, and it plays the DVD fine Sad

So it is something that Power DVD and XBMC do that is the problem.
Just noticed that the problem only occurs when I have sound using the SPDIF port (digital) - in XBMC or Power DVD.
Just to post my solution...

There was a problem with my RealTek sound driver Sad

I rolled back to the old version and everything works! Smile

Sorry for wasting anyones time.

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PC hangs after exiting XBMC (only after DVV)0