Playback Issues - Video and Audio

I put XBMC on my mediocre laptop and found that it played all my movies I had ripped on my server.

Therefore I wanted to build a new dedicated HTPC. I used an ASROCK H61M-GE mobo and a Intel G530 cpu with 4GB of RAM. I am attempting to use the onboard video and audio. I set it up the same way I set up the laptop.

Problem is, it doesn't play much of anything very well. Some videos are very block and stuttering. Some videos don't even play the audio.

To test, I have put the videos onto my HDD as well as trying to play them from the server. Same results either way. Hook up my laptop and everything plays fine. Again the laptop is a 2 year old mediocre laptop that was only $300 new - so I don't think it would be as powerful as my new build.

Does the cpu not work for 1080p moves ripped to an mkv container?

I have dxva turned on, in settings.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

I did a debug and added a pastebin, but it wouldn't take the whole thing, ran into the size limit for not being a pro subscriber. Here is the link: Pastebin Link
It's probably the "Intel® HD Graphics" video. This is known to give problems when hardware acceleration is enabled. It would be worth trying the latest nightly build as I believe work has been done to get around the problem. If you still get the problem with the nightly build then you probably need to fit a separate video card.

rhmclay Wrote:Therefore I wanted to build a new dedicated HTPC. I used an ASROCK H61M-GE mobo and a Intel G530 cpu with 4GB of RAM. I am attempting to use the onboard video and audio. I set it up the same way I set up the laptop.
You have good MOBO and PCU core. Your weakest link in it is Intel HD iGPU. It might be well worth it to install one of this $29 discrete GPU- XFX HD-645X-ZQH2 Radeon HD 6450 1GB 64-bit. You'll have easier time with your HTPC and better playback experience with all HD contents on XBMC. Just a thought! Smile
>Alienware X51- do it all HTPC
>Simplify XBMC configurations
>HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC
I refused to watch movie without bitstreaming HD audio!
Thank both. I will try turning off the DXVA again - although I thought I tried that (but I must admit I was a bit busy). In addition, I will look at getting the suggested discrete GPU. I built this in a low profile case - would that GPU still fit a low profile case?

The Intel HD iGPU wouldn't cause the audio issues would it? Or is it because it is struggling so much with the video issues, that the system isn't getting to even try with the audio?

Thanks again!!!
rhmclay Wrote:Thank both. I will try turning off the DXVA again - although I thought I tried that (but I must admit I was a bit busy). In addition, I will look at getting the suggested discrete GPU. I built this in a low profile case - would that GPU still fit a low profile case?
It's low profile GPU. Since it is fanless, it is silent. The HD6450 should playback BD 1080P video and bitstream HD audio with ease.

rhmclay Wrote:The Intel HD iGPU wouldn't cause the audio issues would it? Or is it because it is struggling so much with the video issues, that the system isn't getting to even try with the audio?

Thanks again!!!
Intel is very good at making CPU, but they're not very good at making GPU.
>Alienware X51- do it all HTPC
>Simplify XBMC configurations
>HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC
I refused to watch movie without bitstreaming HD audio!
Hey Bluray,

Is there a reason that some movies DCPU, ACPU and VCPU would be so much higher?

I tried AVATAR, which I would think would be a high taxing movie. I then switched to THE HANGOVER, which isn't much computer animation, nor action, and the VCPU jumped up into the 90% range and it was jumpy and sound was skipping.

Well I think I have narrowed it down to those videos that are using VC-1. The new GPU that you suggested, should allow me to do dxva for that as well and clear up those issues as well, correct?

I really appreciate you taking the time to help me bluray.
rhmclay Wrote:Well I think I have narrowed it down to those videos that are using VC-1. The new GPU that you suggested, should allow me to do dxva for that as well and clear up those issues as well, correct?

I really appreciate you taking the time to help me bluray.
Yes! I think that you will like HD6450 performance. For $29, it can playback all BD in 1080P/3D and bitstreaming DTS-HD/TrueHD too. I don't think that there isn't any $29 GPU can do the same thing as HD6450! Smile

If you are planning to build another HTPC in the near future, I'm suggesting this low power APU- AMD A6-3500. It included HD6530D iGPU in it, and it has identical spec as HD6450.
>Alienware X51- do it all HTPC
>Simplify XBMC configurations
>HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC
I refused to watch movie without bitstreaming HD audio!

Thank you so much. I put in an order for that GPU. When you said all BD, I took that to mean both h264 and vc-1. You have helped a noob to xbmc, and for that I am grateful. And yes, I will be building myself a HTPC in the near future, and I will definitely keep in mind that APU.
rhmclay Wrote:bluray,

When you said all BD, I took that to mean both h264 and vc-1.
Sorry, I didn't make it clearer earlier. Yes, it will handles both and here is the complete spec on it- AMD Radeon™ HD 6450 Graphics.
>Alienware X51- do it all HTPC
>Simplify XBMC configurations
>HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC
I refused to watch movie without bitstreaming HD audio!
Sorry to bring this one back.

I am still struggling with some movies. Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Indiana Jone and the Crysal Skull, and I am Legend just to name a few. Not all of them are VC-1 either (I think one of the ones I named is AVC).

This is obviously happening with the new graphcis card that bluray suggested.

Any other ideas?


Have you do these----

1. Install- Current Stable Release: 11.0 “Eden”
2. Download AMD latest driver- AMD Driver Autodetect
3. Enable DXVA2 and use DXVA as Render Method, but disable everything else in XBMC settings/video/playback
4. Disable "Use fullscreen window rather than a true fullscreen" in XBMC settings/system/video output
>Alienware X51- do it all HTPC
>Simplify XBMC configurations
>HOW-TO Bitstreaming using XBMC
I refused to watch movie without bitstreaming HD audio!

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Playback Issues - Video and Audio0