Would this setup be a decent HD HTPC?
Im currently in the process of sorting through CPU's and mobo's for my HTPC, and I think im about done. So I wanted someones opinion on weather or not this setup could handle 1080p pretty good. Im using the onboard video.

Intel C2D E7200
EVGA 112-CK-NF77-A1
Just a basic 1Gb stick DDR2
Any 250Gb SATA HDD
Are you planning to run Ubuntu on it? If so, it looks like there may be some teething troubles with the mobo's GeForce 7150 video:


I've not followed most of those links though so it could be everything's OK though.
Intel Core2 Duo E8400 (3GHz) is currently recommend if you like to be able to playback the majority of 1080p videos out there that are encoded with H.264 at a high-bitrate (like new Blue-ray movies are).
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I read up on some of those Ubuntu issues and it looks like it for a problem for 7.10. Also I was planning on overclocking my 7200 to around 3GHz. But is the onboard GPU fine?
that's similar to my setup... i have that mobo with 2gb ram and a Q6600 (even if i guess 4 cores are too many for an htpc while 2.66 Ghz may be too little for HD) but for some reason xbmc needs to be started at something different from full screen 1080p and then maxed with '\' to have proper 24fps on HD content... by the way, it had just the same behaviour when i had a E4700 oc@3Ghz, so i guess it can play most of HD content, even if not all, as i had a lot of skipping in killa sampla
btw, had no troubles with the video, but started using that mobo with hardy (and now intrepid), so can't say about older gutsy drivers
CASHMON3Y Wrote:is the onboard GPU fine?
Yes, the GeForce 7150 video should be fine just make sure to use the latest drivers.
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Thanks, I don't know how much HD content ill actually be watching since this is mainly for
TV Shows and movies off Piratebay. But I was hoping to kind of make it "future proof" in a way so that if I ever did need it, I would have it. This so far is the best setup I can find on the cheap. I might end up getting a E8400 though because at a local computer store there only running $150.
That's the same motherboard that I have. I have 2 gigs of RAM though It works great, but does have a few problems. I'm using an e6750 clocked to 3.2 Even at 2.66 it played most 1080p fine. The built in 7150 seems to have a problem with 1920x1080. However, the more common 1920x800 (or so) works just perfect.

Let me know if you want the gory details.
Hippo Wrote:That's the same motherboard that I have. I have 2 gigs of RAM though It works great, but does have a few problems. I'm using an e6750 clocked to 3.2 Even at 2.66 it played most 1080p fine. The built in 7150 seems to have a problem with 1920x1080. However, the more common 1920x800 (or so) works just perfect.

Let me know if you want the gory details.

Do you mean it has problem with the OUTPUT, not the DECODING ?

I want the gory details
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I have the same problem using amd 5600 @ 3.2ghz. Now i'm well aware intel outperforms amd. Allthough all 1080p content @ 1920x800 plays perfect without frames dropped but some 1920x1080 content gives me dropped frames, not all but some. Is this because of the cpu or a bottleneck from the gpu? Im using a pny 8400gs.

The reason i ask is a intel cpu @3ghz should play almost all 1920x1080 content. Maybe theres a common explanation for this? Then again maybe i'm shooting at straws here.

Anyone else having the same issues?
HTPC 1 : Acer revo R3700 ion2 HTPC 2 :Apple TV2 HTPC 3 : Apple TV2 HTPC4 Acer revo R3700 ion2 Remote : x2 Riimote2
SERVER : 10TB Ubuntu Server 10.04, dual wintv nova hd s2 cards, tvheadend, Newcs, Omnikey reader, White *Sky uk* Card, Mysql Db, Sabnzbdplus, SickBeard, Couchpotato, FlexRaid. :cool:
pay attention to source FPS of video!

24 vs. 25 vs. 30

it makes ALOT of difference with 1080p output and Intel GRAPHICS atleast
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ok, so the framerate in this sample is 23.976. I can't play it without dropped fames. At what end does the framerate come into it, Is 24fps easier to decode than 30fps?


I think its the cpu but maybe its something else?

can anyone test this sample and give feedback on there hardware?
HTPC 1 : Acer revo R3700 ion2 HTPC 2 :Apple TV2 HTPC 3 : Apple TV2 HTPC4 Acer revo R3700 ion2 Remote : x2 Riimote2
SERVER : 10TB Ubuntu Server 10.04, dual wintv nova hd s2 cards, tvheadend, Newcs, Omnikey reader, White *Sky uk* Card, Mysql Db, Sabnzbdplus, SickBeard, Couchpotato, FlexRaid. :cool:
You do realize the frame size difference from 1920x800 to 1920x1080 is some 35%, right? That's not exactly a trivial amount of decoding.
Yeah i know its a big leap. I just thought it might be a gpu problem as the cpu doesn't go over 87% on either core. Usually when theres one core @ 87% the other is @ 60%. Im running ubuntu server so there is nothing else using the cpu. To be fair im pretty much convinced its a cpu issue because amd pretty much sucks but i just thought it might be worth pointing out to the devs. Maybe theres more to it?
HTPC 1 : Acer revo R3700 ion2 HTPC 2 :Apple TV2 HTPC 3 : Apple TV2 HTPC4 Acer revo R3700 ion2 Remote : x2 Riimote2
SERVER : 10TB Ubuntu Server 10.04, dual wintv nova hd s2 cards, tvheadend, Newcs, Omnikey reader, White *Sky uk* Card, Mysql Db, Sabnzbdplus, SickBeard, Couchpotato, FlexRaid. :cool:
Thanks for the info, I also found out from succo that the spdif out only does stereo... Is there any other motherboards some one can recommend thats within a price range of $50-$100? Im looking for a mATX that has a 775 cpu, a good GPU that can do 1080p, hdmi and possibly S-video out. I can't think of anything else that would be that important... I want to make sure that if I do build my HTPC, I do it right. Even if its with parts that I might have to wait for, since I probably won't buy anything until around December.

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Would this setup be a decent HD HTPC?0