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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs
malte Wrote:Yes, I was able to use it several times. If it stops at a certain point this is usually because there is a problem with one game (e.g. encoding issue). Even if you don't see an error in the log, can you show it to me? Maybe I can see any other problem with the import.

Here is my log starting from when I launched RCB and ending when it was exited after import.

CoinTos Wrote:Here is my log starting from when I launched RCB and ending when it was exited after import.
There are some errors at the beginning of the import:
09:13:16 T:2924 M:3638591488  NOTICE: C:\Users\sam_axe\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\resources\lib\dialogimportoptions.py:93: RuntimeWarning: tp_compare didn't return -1 or -2 for exception
                                              elif(self.selectedControlId in (CONTROL_BUTTON_RC_DOWN, CONTROL_BUTTON_RC_UP)):
09:13:16 T:2924 M:3638591488   ERROR: Exception in python script's onAction
09:13:16 T:2924 M:3638591488  NOTICE: Traceback (most recent call last):
09:13:16 T:2924 M:3638591488  NOTICE:   File "C:\Users\sam_axe\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\resources\lib\dialogimportoptions.py", line 77, in onAction
09:13:16 T:2924 M:3638591488  NOTICE: if (action.getId() in ACTION_CANCEL_DIALOG):
09:13:16 T:2924 M:3638591488  NOTICE:   File "C:\Users\sam_axe\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\resources\lib\dialogimportoptions.py", line 93, in onClick
09:13:16 T:2924 M:3638591488  NOTICE: elif(self.selectedControlId in (CONTROL_BUTTON_RC_DOWN, CONTROL_BUTTON_RC_UP)):
09:13:16 T:2924 M:3638591488  NOTICE:   File "C:\Users\sam_axe\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\resources\lib\dialogimportoptions.py", line 73, in onInit
09:13:16 T:2924 M:3638591488  NOTICE: self.selectScrapersInList(sitesInRomCollection, sitesInList)
09:13:16 T:2924 M:3638591488  NOTICE:   File "C:\Users\sam_axe\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\resources\lib\dialogimportoptions.py", line 172, in selectScrapersInList
09:13:16 T:2924 M:3638591488  NOTICE: self.selectScraperInList(sitesInList, sitesInRomCollection[2].name, CONTROL_LIST_SCRAPER3)
09:13:16 T:2924 M:3638591488  NOTICE: IndexError
09:13:16 T:2924 M:3638591488  NOTICE: :
09:13:16 T:2924 M:3638591488  NOTICE: list index out of range
09:13:19 T:2924 M:3640762368   ERROR: Exception in python script's onAction
09:13:19 T:2924 M:3640762368  NOTICE: Traceback (most recent call last):
09:13:19 T:2924 M:3640762368  NOTICE:   File "C:\Users\sam_axe\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\resources\lib\dialogimportoptions.py", line 77, in onAction
09:13:19 T:2924 M:3640758272  NOTICE: if (action.getId() in ACTION_CANCEL_DIALOG):
09:13:19 T:2924 M:3640758272  NOTICE:   File "C:\Users\sam_axe\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\resources\lib\dialogimportoptions.py", line 114, in onClick
09:13:19 T:2924 M:3640758272  NOTICE: self.selectScrapersInList(sitesInRomCollection, sitesInList)
09:13:19 T:2924 M:3640758272  NOTICE:   File "C:\Users\sam_axe\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\resources\lib\dialogimportoptions.py", line 172, in selectScrapersInList
09:13:19 T:2924 M:3640754176  NOTICE: self.selectScraperInList(sitesInList, sitesInRomCollection[2].name, CONTROL_LIST_SCRAPER3)
09:13:19 T:2924 M:3640754176  NOTICE: IndexError
09:13:19 T:2924 M:3640754176  NOTICE: :
09:13:19 T:2924 M:3640754176  NOTICE: list index out of range
Not sure why this happens. Can you also show me your config.xml? And did you change scraper settings in the import options dialog?
malte Wrote:Not sure why this happens. Can you also show me your config.xml? And did you change scraper settings in the import options dialog?

Here is a link to my config.xml. The only manual edit I made to it was to fixed the samba (smb: ) windows bug.

Ok, thanks. I guess you found a bug. There is a bug when you have exactly two scrapers configured for one Rom Collection. For Genesis collection you have offline Genesis scraper and online thegamesdb scraper.

As a work around you could add or remove one scraper via Edit Rom Collection dialog. I would suggest that you just use the Genesis offline scraper. I have already fixed the bug here. I hope that I will have a new test release ready soon.
New test version available: 0.9.1

This is still a wip release while I am reworking some skinning stuff and fixing some bugs and other little issues. Here is the list of changes:

  • Edit Rom Collection dialog: friendly name for imageplacing options
  • Edit Rom Collection dialog: wizard for new media path
  • Edit Rom Collection dialog: default value for file mask
  • Edit Rom Collection dialog: check if config.xml has errors before writing
  • Edit offline scrapers: if descfilepergame = false: select path to game description (no file mask)
  • Edit offline scrapers: wizard for new scraper
  • Edit offline scrapers: select box with unused Rom Collection names
  • Config wizard: if descfilepergame = false: select path to game description (no file mask)
  • Config wizard: better support for standalone games
Import Games:
  • Import Options dialog: checkbox "Use values from config.xml" (overwrite if checkbox is checked)
  • stop import on general error
  • MAME scraper: removed scraping of flyer images (errors when flyer not available on maws)
  • bugfix: error with [] in rom path name (e.g. import of wrong images)
  • bugfix: error when using exactly 2 scrapers per Rom Collection
Launch Games:
  • support for standalone games: use "%ROM%" in emu Cmd

Most changes are little improvements to the edit and import dialogs. Biggest change that will also require some reconfiguration on your site is the support for standalone games.

Support for standalone games works as follows:
  • create a folder with shortcuts to your standalone games (e.g. lnk-files)
  • in RCB start the Add Rom Collection Wizard
  • use Linux, Macintosh or Windows as System
  • select the path to your shortcuts, the file mask (e.g. *.lnk) and the folder to store the artwork
  • RCB will just use "%ROM%" as emu cmd and leaves the emu params blank
If you have already configured your standalone games using batch files for launching you will need to reconfigure it. Just set emu cmd to "%ROM%" and leave emu params blank. All the rest should work automatically.

Previous test version is explained here.
malte Wrote:Support for standalone games works as follows:
  • create a folder with shortcuts to your standalone games (e.g. lnk-files)
  • in RCB start the Add Rom Collection Wizard
  • use Linux, Macintosh or Windows as System
  • select the path to your shortcuts, the file mask (e.g. *.lnk) and the folder to store the artwork
  • RCB will just use "%ROM%" as emu cmd and leaves the emu params blank
If you have already configured your standalone games using batch files for launching you will need to reconfigure it. Just set emu cmd to "%ROM%" and leave emu params blank. All the rest should work automatically..

Sorry Malte, but when I select Windows as a platform it asks me to select an emulator... What do?
Strange. It should ask you for "Path to Windows Roms".

You use the latest 0.9.1? RCB makes a name check on platform. If it is "Windows", "Linux" or "Macintosh" it should not ask for an emulator.

If it still does not work please show me a log file. Maybe it does not behave the same on all systems.
malte Wrote:Strange. It should ask you for "Path to Windows Roms".

You use the latest 0.9.1? RCB makes a name check on platform. If it is "Windows", "Linux" or "Macintosh" it should not ask for an emulator.

If it still does not work please show me a log file. Maybe it does not behave the same on all systems.

I'm using an SVN checkout on Windows.

I manually edited the config.xml to add the collection, but it doesn't seem to want to load any .lnk files that way.

I'll investigate further before I post a log to make sure it's not user error.
I have a problem with the new version (0.9.1) I just can not import the offline games, here is a copy of my xbmclog.


I tried to import my games for Genesis in "rom collector", after indicating the emulator, roms and location of the artwork, simply crash the xbmc and rom collector and I have to kill the process.

When I open again xbmc get this message (photo) and I can not use "Rom collector" only if you uninstall and delete data in the "userdata"


I have a second question, how do I translate the rom collector to another language?
Seems to be an encoding issue.

12:50:29 T:3320  NOTICE: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: Genesis
12:50:29 T:3320  NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: D:\Jogos\(Console) Sega Mega Drive\Jogos\*.smd
12:50:29 T:3320  NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Rom path: D:\Jogos\(Console) Sega Mega Drive\Jogos\*.bin
12:50:29 T:3320  NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: C:\XBMC\ROM Collector\Sega Genesis\Capa Frente\%GAME%.*
12:50:29 T:3320  NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: C:\XBMC\ROM Collector\Sega Genesis\Capa Verso\%GAME%.*
12:50:29 T:3320  NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: C:\XBMC\ROM Collector\Sega Genesis\Cartucho\%GAME%.*
12:50:29 T:3320  NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: C:\XBMC\ROM Collector\Sega Genesis\Fundo\%GAME%.*
12:50:29 T:3320  NOTICE: RCB_INFO: Media path: C:\XBMC\ROM Collector\Sega Genesis\Logo\%GAME%.*
12:50:29 T:3320   ERROR: Error Type: <type 'exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError'>
12:50:29 T:3320   ERROR: Error Contents: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 25-26: ordinal not in range(128)
12:50:29 T:3320   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "C:\Users\Marcelo\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\default.py", line 58, in <module>
                                                import gui
                                              File "C:\Users\Marcelo\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\resources\lib\gui.py", line 2196, in <module>
                                              File "C:\Users\Marcelo\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\resources\lib\gui.py", line 2188, in main
                                                ui = UIGameDB("script-Rom_Collection_Browser-main.xml", util.getAddonInstallPath(), "Default", "PAL")
                                              File "C:\Users\Marcelo\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\resources\lib\gui.py", line 236, in __init__
                                                statusOk, errorMsg = self.config.readXml()
                                              File "C:\Users\Marcelo\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\resources\lib\config.py", line 213, in readXml
                                                romCollections, errorMsg = self.readRomCollections(tree)
                                              File "C:\Users\Marcelo\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\resources\lib\config.py", line 283, in readRomCollections
                                                Logutil.log('Media path: ' +str(mediaPathRow.text), util.LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
                                            UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 25-26: ordinal not in range(128)
12:50:29 T:4384   ERROR: CLocalizeStrings::ClearBlock: Trying to clear non existent block C:\Users\Marcelo\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser
12:50:30 T:4936  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
Is there any non-standard character in your media path configuration?
Quote:I have a second question, how do I translate the rom collector to another language?
Not really possible atm. I have to extract all strings from the addon in separate files so that it will be easy for others to translate it. This is on my list when version 1.x is out (next yearSmile).
The path of my roms and emulator is these respectively:

Roms: "D:\Jogos\(Console) Sega Mega Drive\Jogos"
Emulador: "D:\Jogos\(Console) Sega Mega Drive\Fusion.exe"

And the artworks of these are: "C:\XBMC\ROM Collector\Sega Genesis"

Boxfront: C:\XBMC\ROM Collector\Sega Genesis\Capa Frente
Boxback: C:\XBMC\ROM Collector\Sega Genesis\Capa Verso
Title: C:\XBMC\ROM Collector\Sega Genesis\Logo
Video (Gameplay): C:\XBMC\ROM Collector\Sega Genesis\Video
Screenshot: C:\XBMC\ROM Collector\Sega Genesis\Screenshot
Cartridge: C:\XBMC\ROM Collector\Sega Genesis\Cartucho
Fanart: C:\XBMC\ROM Collector\Sega Genesis\Fundo

Publisher: "C:\XBMC\ROM Collector\Estúdios"
Developer: "C:\XBMC\ROM Collector\Estúdios"

Maybe rom collector have problems with ú or maybe ()?
I will make some more tests here to see if I can import.
Hi Malte do u have any news about the problem that RCB can't run games in solo mode giving the problem i already commented on my last posts? Thanks.

Originally Posted by malte View Post
It does not launch XBMC or it does not launch RCB? If the log that you attached is from xbmc.log then it seems that XBMC is not starting after you close the emulator.

Did you check the command at the end of "applaunch.bat"? You must be able to start XBMC with this command.

What you can try to debug this situation:
1. Open cmd.exe in Windows
2. Launch XBMC from the cmd window (with the command from applaunch.bat)
3. Start RCB and launch the emulator
4. Quit the emulator
--> If there is an error restarting XBMC, you should see the error message in the cmd window.
It seems it doesnt launch XBMC again, in cmd it dont send an error message just the one in the ScreenCap that i attached?

I retried this morning, but it's still asking me for a 'Windows Emulator'.
Which part of the log do you need? It doesn't appear to show anything relevant to adding a rom collection...
Could someone please tell me the best NES emulator to use in conjunction with RCB on Ubuntu? I have a laptop connected to my TV via HDMI cable. I would really, really appreciate it Big Grin

I'm experiencing some undesirable results with Mednafen, fceux, and gfceux.

Mednafen has been the best that I have tried so far. Lots of options. I like that I can remap hotkeys to my joystick, such as Exit and Save/Load States. However, the emulation is pretty choppy. I have tried both video rendering options OpenGL and SDL. SDL is just worse. Its unnerving that my SNES emulator (SNES9x) runs games flawlessly, but the performance of Mednafen is obviously sub-par.

Issues with fceux: Runs games perfectly... but not in RCB! In RCB the frame rate is very low, and there is no sound output whatsoever. I also don't like that I can't remap hotkeys to Joystick.

Issues with gfceux: I couldn't even figure out how to get the audio to output through HDMI. Also could not remap hotkeys to Joystick.
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[RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs20