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Ghostdivision Wrote:Does anyone know why its doing this? its grabbing the last poster on the page in hungarian?

How do i even change it manually?

If you have been running for a while now you should be able to go to the TV Show, highlight the series and hit the letter "i" on your keyboard, then select "Get Artwork" it will then give you several options and you can change the poster. This will only work if you have Artwork Downloader installed and have also had Logo Downloader installed on your current build. If not then you may not have that option and will have to wait until Marcos releases version 1.2.4 in a few days after which the above should work.

It is for reasons like this that I prefer to use Media Companion or Ember to manage all my Movies and TV Shows outside of XBMC, it gives you complete control in alloacating your artwork etc... Ember is much more complex to use than Media Comapanion and gives you much more control and more artwork, however I actually prefer Media Companion and then just thave XBMC (Artwork Downloader) scrape all the additional artwork like clearart etc....

It also makes rebuilding your library a breeze as all the info is stored with your movies and TV shows so there is no manual selection of unrecognised media when scraping in XBMC and it loads your collection in to XBMC very quickly, well it does as long as you disable download actor thumbs otherwise it take a lot longer...but still much quicker than actually scraping in XBMC itself. First use of one of the above may take a while as you will have to make sure all your naming is correct and that it has picked up the correct movie and tv show but once you get there future additions are very quick.

If you decide to try one of these just run it on a small selection of movies or TV shows so you get accustomed to how it works and the layout of the .nfo files it creates with you media.

First I would like to thanks for MarcosQui. It is an excellent work I love that skin. Actually I am using Boxee 1.5 and also XBMC on my PC. It is not easy for me to decided if I prefer Boxee or XBMC because I love the option to view trailer before the movie. I am trying to figure out how to add this on XBMC but is not easy ;( If anyone know how to stream movie trailer on the same folder that the movie, please tell me. If I found this I will definitely use XBMC instead of Boxee.

chippie Wrote:If you have been running for a while now you should be able to go to the TV Show, highlight the series and hit the letter "i" on your keyboard, then select "Get Artwork" it will then give you several options and you can change the poster. This will only work if you have Artwork Downloader installed and have also had Logo Downloader installed on your current build. If not then you may not have that option and will have to wait until Marcos releases version 1.2.4 in a few days after which the above should work.

It is for reasons like this that I prefer to use Media Companion or Ember to manage all my Movies and TV Shows outside of XBMC, it gives you complete control in alloacating your artwork etc... Ember is much more complex to use than Media Comapanion and gives you much more control and more artwork, however I actually prefer Media Companion and then just thave XBMC (Artwork Downloader) scrape all the additional artwork like clearart etc....

It also makes rebuilding your library a breeze as all the info is stored with your movies and TV shows so there is no manual selection of unrecognised media when scraping in XBMC and it loads your collection in to XBMC very quickly, well it does as long as you disable download actor thumbs otherwise it take a lot longer...but still much quicker than actually scraping in XBMC itself. First use of one of the above may take a while as you will have to make sure all your naming is correct and that it has picked up the correct movie and tv show but once you get there future additions are very quick.

If you decide to try one of these just run it on a small selection of movies or TV shows so you get accustomed to how it works and the layout of the .nfo files it creates with you media.

Thanks for the response!

My logo downloader stopped working, i do have art downloader. I think i read earlier logo downloader will incorporate with artwork downloader as well in the next releas?

For tv shows i can only select fanart, for movies i can select thumbs and fanart. I assume what you said above explains why i dont have thumb selection for tv shows.
Not really ontopic here.
If you use the XBMC buildin scraper for movies trailers should work for most of them.
Ghostdivision Wrote:Thanks for the response!

My logo downloader stopped working, i do have art downloader. I think i read earlier logo downloader will incorporate with artwork downloader as well in the next releas?

For tv shows i can only select fanart, for movies i can select thumbs and fanart. I assume what you said above explains why i dont have thumb selection for tv shows.

If you had Logo Downloader and have the same build then you should be able to access the menu option. Just go to one of your TV Shows, then highlight a season, eg, "Season 1" then hit the "i" key on your keyboard. You should then be able to scroll left/right on the options and find "Get Artwork" select this and you will have several options allowing you to change all artwork. Remember if you change anything apart from the Poster or Fanart then it apparently takes XBMC 24hrs to update the textures.xbt file with the changes. I just normally delete the file and let XBMC rebuild it but have been told not to do this although have not been given a reason for not deleting it....

Logo Downloader has already been merged with Artwork Downloader, this happened a few weeks back. Marcos is making changes to the skin to relect this and make it easier etc...
chippie Wrote:If you had Logo Downloader and have the same build then you should be able to access the menu option. Just go to one of your TV Shows, then highlight a season, eg, "Season 1" then hit the "i" key on your keyboard. You should then be able to scroll left/right on the options and find "Get Artwork" select this and you will have several options allowing you to change all artwork. Remember if you change anything apart from the Poster or Fanart then it apparently takes XBMC 24hrs to update the textures.xbt file with the changes. I just normally delete the file and let XBMC rebuild it but have been told not to do this although have not been given a reason for not deleting it....

Logo Downloader has already been merged with Artwork Downloader, this happened a few weeks back. Marcos is making changes to the skin to relect this and make it easier etc...

Hmmm not sure whats wrong, i just have get fanart option. No option to change poster. But oddly can for movies.
chippie Wrote:If you had Logo Downloader and have the same build then you should be able to access the menu option. Just go to one of your TV Shows, then highlight a season, eg, "Season 1" then hit the "i" key on your keyboard. You should then be able to scroll left/right on the options and find "Get Artwork" select this and you will have several options allowing you to change all artwork.

that;s not completely true, that only applies when you dont have the option 'user poster for tv-series' turned on in the skin settings. If you have that option turned on then 'get artwork' is not visible. That is the problem that some users are experiencing.

I once created a ticket about it but marcos said it was normal behavior, which i still find strange because other skins don't have that problem
hey i got a nice idea for mq4 make it something like this:

I'm loving Aeon MQ3, imo the most beautiful/functional skin out there.

I have two questions though, probably very stupid. Can anyone help?
I can't seem to access the menu that appeared when pressing the left key in MQ2 in the movie, tv show, music, ... library menu (the one saying: sort by: ascending, runtime, ...). I tried reinstalling the skin, but that doesn't help the problem. When i switch back to MQ2, it works fine.

Second question: i'm not sure if it's a skin feature, but the 'recent' menu, showing the most recently added tv shows and movies used to only list unwatched episodes/movies. Now it shows the watched episodes/movies as well. Is there a setting to change that?

I think you can change the recent widget in skin settings.

The sidemenu depends on the view for most left and right scrolling views it UP and for sth like Banner view its LEFT.
I can change it to random items, or suggested items. Filtering out watched items doesn't appear to be one of the options though. I think the list included the watched items since Eden, so maybe that's the culprit. Not sure though

On the sidemenu issue: I'm in the list view: arrow up and down scrolls the list. Right arrow shows banner view and left doesn't seem to do anything. The problem is that I cannot change the view type because i cannot use the sidemenu.
Ongoing MQ3 issue: Freezes when backing out of a menu

should do it in List view.
XBMC/MQ3 does not freeze, i can keep doing everything just fine. It just does not open the menu.

@ TeKo
I can press left as much as I want :p. The only thing that happens is that the 'click' sound sounds (the one that normally sounds every time i use an arrow key). Right, down and up work perfectly though. Reinstalling the skin did not help. Maybe i'll try restarting it. On a side note: the same thing is happening on my second pc (that uses the copied appdata from my main pc)
check if you have kiosk mode enabled in settings
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