Migrate the full Kodi install from Raspberry Pi to OPENATV on VU+ Receiver
(2018-09-30, 22:41)stone1978 Wrote: Ok sorry was really poorly explained.

So I have transferred from the Raspberry the entire /.KODI folder on the Open ATV Receiver.
This one also has a /.KODI folder.
I overwrite existing files.
Two points of note here:
  1. was kodi still running on the target system when you overwrote the .kodi directory?
  2. did the ownership/permissions match?
A third point to note is: did you compare the directory structures between the two?  Just curious to know how they differed.

@ 1) Yes. It is installed on both systems KODI 17.6.
Raspberry = source
Receiver (open atv) with Kodi plugin = destination
@ 2) permissions I did not control. Is that necessary?
How can I do that? I'm not a Linux expert unfortunately.
@ 3) I searched for the /.KODI folder on the target system and copied the content from the source folder to the destination folder.
Previously, I did not control the structures.

Is the /.KODI folder the only one that is necessary? Maybe I would have to copy several things Huh Maybe there is still a config file that is crucial so that the settings are activated at all.

Thanks for your help

  1. I understand it's installed - but I asked if it was still running.  In which case, some settings could have been held in the still-running OpenATV application, then written back to the .kodi directory when the application stopped (during your reboot).  I've had this issue with my Unreal Tournament server: making changes to the config file whilst the game is still running means those changes are lost or ignored.
  2. If filesystem security doesn't permit OpenATV to read the contents then OpenATV will probably default to stock settings, ignoring any customisations you've made.  The question is: what user did you do the copying as?  I hope you didn't use the root/sysadmin account...
  3. It's not about the structures, it's about verifying that the two were similar.  There's a saying in systems testing: you do not test the depth of the water with both feet; you hang back to observe and learn as much as you can do before action.  My query was more along the lines of: if you could see that both structures were identical with differently-sized files in place, then you'd know it was that file that needed replacing. If the structures differed in any way then there may be some matching required... and hence that'd answer your question: Maybe I would have to copy several things Maybe there is still a config file that is crucial so that the settings are activated at all.
As far as I remember, the stuff in the "userdata" subdirectory contains customised settings (but it's not the only location) - you may want to review stuff in there.  Did you make a backup of your OpenATV .kodi dir before replacement?
Correct - the userdata (wiki) folder (and its sub-folders) indeed hold a lot of the settings data.

It's one of the sub-folders inside the .kodi one, alongside the addons folder which (surprisingly enough) contains all the installed add-ons.
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If kodi starts and runs with all the default settings, then it's picking those up from the system directories (on Ubuntu this would be /usr/share/kodi) and not any from the copied .kodi directory.  OSMC I believe runs kodi as the user osmc so if the target operating system understands Linux permissions then it's likely to be denied access to that (and subsequent) directory.

A debug log (wiki) of it not working from the target could possibly reveal quite a lot.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
AHHHHHHH the USERDATA Folder = yes
Kodi on the Raspberry is using another User than OpenATV Kodi

I think i have to correct this

i will try

thank you
(2018-10-03, 11:43)black_eagle Wrote: If kodi starts and runs with all the default settings, then it's picking those up from the system directories (on Ubuntu this would be /usr/share/kodi) and not any from the copied .kodi directory.  OSMC I believe runs kodi as the user osmc so if the target operating system understands Linux permissions then it's likely to be denied access to that (and subsequent) directory.

A debug log (wiki) of it not working from the target could possibly reveal quite a lot.
 Ahhh ok
Sorry i am struggling with the time ...... i hope i can made it in a few days

Did you ever get anywhere with this? Trying to do the same myself

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Migrate the full Kodi install from Raspberry Pi to OPENATV on VU+ Receiver0