Build error on current SVN
The build log you pasted shows xbmctex building fine. I just rebuilt textures.xpr on amd64 gentoo as well and it is also fine. Sounds like you might've messed up your source tree in some fashion.

Assuming you haven't made any intentional changes to source, try to run "make reallyclean" followed by "svn revert -R *" then reconfigure and build as normal.
Nope, i made several clean SVN Checkouts and no change.
I'm fairly certain this a configuration issue related to the skin, but a lot of the graphics (icons, cursors, etc) are missing when I navigate in xbmc. Sometimes, things show up. For example, there is the green slowly-flashing cursor on the main screen next to video/music/pictures/weather/scripts. But then when i click into any of the sub-sections, the navigation cursor disappears. Also, the stock graphics that would accompany each section when you move over them are also missing.

I wasn't able to find any posts that had similar problems and the documentation doesn't seem to indicate any additional configuration is needed.

I'm running the latest as of this posting (don't flame me about saying "latest", I don't know how to get the svn revision number, when i follow the instructions and go to system info it says "SVN:exported (Compiled:Sep 14 2008)"). My platform is gentoo 2.6.24 on a x86_64 intel core 2 duo @ 3.00GHz.

Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks for going to all the trouble of saying WHICH skin and posting a debug log to a paste site so there might be some small glimmer of hope at assisting you.

Yes, the first line in my signature is for you.
Fair enough.

It's the default skin, project mahem or whatever it's called. I've really done nothing in terms of skin configuration (possibly the problem). This is out-of-the-box xbmc. Emerge and then run.

Here's the log:

Printed to stdout is:

WARN: could not retrieve file info for 'image.nrg': No such file or directory
WARN: can't open nrg image file image.nrg for reading
I'm going to merge this thread with another which, I'm fairly certain, is the same problem. I can't replicate it though, hence fixing it becomes a problem. I've just compiled r15550 on x86_64 Gentoo, though not using the (unofficial) ebuild, and it works fine.
Just a note that I've seen this problem since the first time I emerged xbmc back in early July. If what's discussed in this thread is a new bug, then what I'm seeing is different than what this thread is discussing.

Al, if it works for you but without using the unofficial ebuild, then wouldn't that suggest that it's the unofficial ebuild? Is there any additional debugging that I can turn on to get us to root cause here?
Root of the cause seems to be XBMCTex failing to pack the PNGs. Try to compile from source, it won't kill you I promise.
Isn't that what the ebuild does though? compile from source? I fail to understand why simply compiling from source would solve the problem. Is XBMCTex invoked differently when I emerge than if i were to do it all manually? If so, I would think we should fix the ebuild. Correct if I'm wrong (given that I'm very uninformed would suggest that this is the case).
What part of "unsupported" don't you understand? I've compiled from sources with out build scripts (not and it works fine. An ebuild compiles from sources but, may patch, run scripts, whatever the hell it wants before, during or after compilation. You're the one with the problem here, if you aren't willing to help yourself (and us), switch to ubuntu and install with PPA.
Ouch, someone hasn't had their coffee this morning.

As it turns out I am willing to help myself (and as a result you and everyone else who is affected by this problem) and getting bitchy at me simply because I need some help understanding the problem isn't very productive.

If I am to have any hope in solving the issue (which clearly has to do with ebuild) is there anything you can tell me other than "try to compile from source"?

Alternatively, if you don't want to help me because you can't be bothered with helping a noob (one who learns quickly), then just say so. I'm more than willing to be a beta tester for xbmc on gentoo with a little guidance (if and when gentoo becomes a supported platform).
So does that mean you're going to try compiling w/o the ebuild or not? Cause I've told you three times now that it WORKS fine when I compile with our compile scripts. If you can compile from source and it works, then I can notify the guy you manages the ebuild that there is a problem. Otherwise you'll just be sitting here complaining to no one.
I compiled from source and this has solved the issue, so please feel free to notify the guy that manages the ebuild. If any more info is needed, pm me.

Thanks for being patient and courteous with me.
A little more information that might help get to the bottom of this:

Ran make install which (among other things) simply copies the binary from /usr/src/XBMC/xbmc.bin to /usr/local/share/xbmc/xbmc.bin. When I run xbmc.bin from there, I encounter the issue of missing icons and graphics. But when I run from /usr/src/XBMC/xbmc.bin, everything is fine.

Looked in the log and saw these warnings:

1:36:00 T:4093083072 M:396722176 WARNING: CreateDirectory, cant create dir </usr/local/share/xbmc/plugins/music>. trying lower case.
01:36:00 T:4093083072 M:396722176 WARNING: CreateDirectory, cant create dir </usr/local/share/xbmc/plugins/video>. trying lower case.
01:36:00 T:4093083072 M:396722176 WARNING: CreateDirectory, cant create dir </usr/local/share/xbmc/plugins/pictures>. trying lower case.

This can be explained by the fact that the directory is owned by root and only root has write permisions. Probably xbmc shouldn't be trying to write to the /usr/local/share/ directory. All this will do is drive people to run xbmc as root, which shouldn't be required. I tried running as root to get around the directory perms issue hoping that would solve the overall issue (or at least work around it) but it didn't.

For anyone trying to debug this issue, I've pastebinned my two logs. The first log is the log generated from running straight out of the svn dir:

The second log is the log generated from running from /usr/local/share which is when I have the image and icon problems:

I'll attach the diff of the logs for convenience. I stripped out the timestamps and diffed to see if there was anything obvious. I didn't say anything. But, then, I don't really know what i'm doing.

If there's anything else I can provide, let me know.
I bring this up because it seems that problem may not be the ebuild afterall since "make install" seems to exhibit the issue as well. Seems more like an issue of not being able to find a file relative to the binary, or it's permissions issue or something like that.

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Build error on current SVN0