Karaoke (MP3+CDG) is Back!
I cant get MP3+G to work on the 24 December Build?
I got a white screen where it suppose to display
the lyrics.

Music play fine just a white screen all the way through for me but if I skip to next song I briefly see the text for 1 second.

Anyone else having problem?
The next Karaoke update will bring .LRC lyrics and .KAR files support. Went through today's party pretty well, no crashes, so probably is ok.
roeroe...I get the white background when I put the visual setting to none. Try a visual effects setting.

Im not sure if I am running the dec 24th build though. It might be a day or so earlier.
SlaveUnit Wrote:roeroe...I get the white background when I put the visual setting to none. Try a visual effects setting.

Im not sure if I am running the dec 24th build though. It might be a day or so earlier.

Hey Cool that works, thanks for the tips
i asked for this some time ago and am quite happy karaoke support has been added to win & linux xbmc... now, just because we users are never enough satisfied, would it be possible to add to the cd+g (mp3+g, really) support the support for ultrastar/performous mp3+sco files, at least for karaoke use, without the 'full' score?

i think this would be a great addition to our software! Smile
is karaoke function still in? using jesters latest build and not seeing it have tried with vis and without.

using CDG file and mp3
Hmm it should still be there. Go to MUSIC then settings and make sure the ENABLE CD+G is checked withing the KARAOKE part. Then just play the mp3 though MUSIC liek a normal mp3 and you will see the G part come up. IF you are having trouble choose a visualization settings in the background. If set to none I think there is still the issue of a blank white screen.
found it but had to to go al the way to the right, am using Aeon skin, can be confusing.

thx for your help
Anyone else having an issue with the lyrics not always "lighting" up to queue when to sing?
drivesoslow Wrote:Anyone else having an issue with the lyrics not always "lighting" up to queue when to sing?

No but I have them lighting up a little too quickly still. Not the biggest deal in the world.
I think it was an issue with the SVN build for OS X, my Ubuntu SVN build works fine.

The only issue I have now is that if I turn of visualizations I get an all white screen.
drivesoslow Wrote:The only issue I have now is that if I turn of visualizations I get an all white screen.

What kind of visualization you're using? And it happens on Ubuntu, right?
drivesoslow Wrote:Anyone else having an issue with the lyrics not always "lighting" up to queue when to sing?

Is this the same for all songs? Or some songs are ok?
If some songs are ok, the problem most likely is with your lyrics. Synchronizing lyrics is a manual process, and unlike MIDI/KAR the synchronization is based just on time marks, and not embedded into the song timing.

However if all the songs have the same delay, you'll need to correct it in advancesettings.xml

JFYI, next karaoke update will be able to correct it on-the-fly using subtitle correction buttons, and will store the correction in the database.
If I turn visualization to OFF then I get a plain white screen. Yes it is Ubuntu.

Also it would be nice to be able to use my PC's mic for the singing, is there anyway to do this?
drivesoslow...read the whole thread you are posing in. Its only 3 pages. Go back one page. I state how I got a mic working without additional hardware (mixer). If you can talk in in your pc mic and get talkback through your speakers...then just start xbmc and sing. You wont be able to use a USB mic though (aka Rock Band or Guitar Hero Logitech ones). Even if you do get them going your delay makes it unusable.

oldnemesis...the white screen happens in windows as well.

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Karaoke (MP3+CDG) is Back!0