Cannot Connect ATV2 with XMBC to Win7
pgoose Wrote:It shouldn't matter external or not.

I have had external and internal HD's show up and work just fine.

Ok, so PC seems to be in correct order.
Now when you launch your ATV2, does it find your computer at all, or does it just look for things and never finds your computer.

Because when i do a search, i had tversity on my computer along with my shares, so my computer showed up twice actually..One for Tversity and one for my shares.

So, what does your ATV2 see or not see

It doesnt see anything at all relating to my PC - not TVersity nor any shares. In fact, it only sees my iTunes library when I use wireless. It doesnt even see my library when I cable directly to my router. But wireless or not, it doesnt see my shares in XBMC.
Try using Seas0nPass instead of Sn0breeze. That did the trick for me.
stoli Wrote:Try using Seas0nPass instead of Sn0breeze. That did the trick for me.

Hi Stoli, I tried that but the Seas0npass JB doesnt work. It restores successfully in iTunes using the IPSW that Seas0npass created, however when I plug the ATV into my TV, its not jailbroken. There are no different menus etc. Is this normal?
COuld this be something to do with my workgroup or computer name settings?

I installed XBMC on my Windows PC and it easily found the SMB shares. The PC and ATV both go through the same router to get the shares.

So this means the router is ok leaving this as a problem with either the setup of XBMC on my ATV or a problem with my Jailbreak.

Checking the Network Settings on the Windows version of XBMC (10.1) I notice there is no options for SMB Settings. On the ATV there IS an option for SMB Settings where you can inserts a WINS Server (whatever that is) and can specify the Workgroup name. This defaults to WORKGROUP. Upon checking the name of my Workgroup in Win 7 it is also WORKGROUP. XBMC on ATV is Version 10.0.7 I think.

In Windows 7 there is something called HomeGroup? Would this affect XBMC at all? Its really confusing as to why the PC and ATV are both connected via the same router but the ATV cant see shares.

Can anyone help?
If anyone is interested, this was resolved today - all I did was use the new Sn0wbreeze (2.7.1) and when it was jailbroken, XBMC could see the SMB. I think this was a problem with the earlier Sn0wbreeze.

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Cannot Connect ATV2 with XMBC to Win70