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(2013-07-07, 09:12)tuareg Wrote: When I click on the Music button in the Home Menu, I would like it to go to the albums view/screen in Aeon MQ4. I have wracked my brains on how to edit the home.xml file in 720p folder to do this but to no avail.

Would greatly appreciate any help. As I a newbie, Detailed help is requested for. Thanks.

I'd like to know how to do the same thing as well. Currently when you select the main Music menu item it goes in to which ever area of music you were last using, so it could take you to albums / artists / last added / recently played etc. Would be nice if you could default it to always open albums. And if I want to access any of the other areas I can use the sub-menus.

@cw-kid it´s possible, for it, enter in collection, using submenu albums, when see ... before first item or image up arrow press enter there, you see option albums, focus albums item in the list, and press c, in pop up, select make default, done.

images for reference:



Now when press music, go for album, always, or use submenu for other options.
MediaBrazil forum Website - Youtube Channel
MQ9- - 09.15.2023 - Aeon MQ Skin Team
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(2013-07-07, 15:27)Wanilton Wrote: @cw-kid it´s possible, for it, enter in collection, using submenu albums, when see ... before first item or image up arrow press enter there, you see option albums, focus albums item in the list, and press c, in pop up, select make default, done.

images for reference:




Thanks for the reply, I've just tried this and set Albums as default as you suggested.

However when I select the Music menu item from the main XBMC menu it still goes in to what ever was the last area viewed.

For example if I select Files from the music sub-menu it takes me to the files area as expected. If I then back out to the main XBMC menu and then select the main Music menu item I am taken back in to Files not Albums.

After make album default, you close XBMC and reopen, it´s necessary and work fine, here.
MediaBrazil forum Website - Youtube Channel
MQ9- - 09.15.2023 - Aeon MQ Skin Team
MarcosQui Website Donate and support us.
Here is what I did:

Went in to the Albums area, changed the view to showcase, pressed enter on the Up Arrow icon


I then brought up the content menu on the Albums and selected Make Default


But this doesn't seem to do anything?

The main Music menu item still behaves the same as it was and it does not always take me to albums but to what ever was the last area used.


(2013-07-07, 15:45)Wanilton Wrote: After make album default, you close XBMC and reopen, it´s necessary and work fine, here.

I didn't close XBMC, let me try that now.
cw-kid, yours steps is ok, but you don´t answer my question, you closed xbmc after make album default and reopen XBMC, before test? It´s work only after exit xbmc and open again.
MediaBrazil forum Website - Youtube Channel
MQ9- - 09.15.2023 - Aeon MQ Skin Team
MarcosQui Website Donate and support us.
This is a Linux machine, I exited XBMC and I just get a black screen. Not sure how to then re-open XBMC? If I just type XBMC at the console it says I need to install a graphics driver or something.

So I rebooted it instead with a sudo reboot command, XBMC then comes back up OK.

However the Music main menu still does NOT default to opening the albums view each time. It just opens whatever area of music was last used.

Well it´s XBMC function, in windows O.S, work fine, in all skin is the same way for it.
MediaBrazil forum Website - Youtube Channel
MQ9- - 09.15.2023 - Aeon MQ Skin Team
MarcosQui Website Donate and support us.
I just tried it on a Windows 7 machine running the same version of XBMC V12.2 and the same Aeon MQ4 skin etc. I closed XBMC after setting "Albums" as Default and then re-opened XBMC.

The "Make Default" option does not make the main Music menu item go in to the Albums view each time.

What it does do, seems to be the following:

If I select enter / OK here on the main Music menu item


I am taken to this screen. Since selecting the "Albums" as default, it is the Albums that is highlighted with the grey colour.

If I make "Artists" default instead then its the Artists that become highlighted with the grey colour. That's all it does!


However for example if I then go to the "Top 100" via the Music sub-menu and then back out again to the main XBMC menu.


Then the next time I select the main Music menu item.


I am taken back in to the "Top 100" area. Which is the last area of the Music system used / viewed.


I am not even taken back to the second screen shot with the grey colour highlighted Albums, never mind it defaulting in to the actual Albums view which is what I would like it to do.

How do you get it to stop this remembering the last area of the UI and just have the main music menu always go in to the Albums view Huh

Well, I believe you need edit guisettings.xml (userdata folder), and change function music button, for ActivateWindow(musiclibrary,albums,return). I don´t know other way for fix, in MQ4.

Good news, MQ5, it´s very easy solve this.
MediaBrazil forum Website - Youtube Channel
MQ9- - 09.15.2023 - Aeon MQ Skin Team
MarcosQui Website Donate and support us.
(2013-07-07, 16:53)Wanilton Wrote: Well, I believe you need edit guisettings.xml (userdata folder), and change function music button, for ActivateWindow(musiclibrary,albums,return). I don´t know other way for fix, in MQ4.

OK great thanks..

Does anyone know how to actually make this change in the xml file? Its a large file and I am unsure which section to attempt an edit on?

I shall editing the guisettings file. The best way to edit the file is to use a free editor Notepad++ which is way better than Notepad. Suggest backup your file first. I had already tried the system of setting default option but to no avail on a Win8 machine. Maybe the guisettings will work when edited.
No success. Unable to find required entry in guisettings.xml and home.xml.
Request help on how to display fanart for each artist in the respective album/song. Have tried saving fanart.jpg in the folders but to no avail. Thanks
(2013-07-09, 10:35)tuareg Wrote: Request help on how to display fanart for each artist in the respective album/song. Have tried saving fanart.jpg in the folders but to no avail. Thanks

Initially when importing the music with the Universal Artist / Album scraper, I ensured each and every artist had a background fanart image and thumb image. If they did not I added or edited that artist on to TheAudioDB.com website and added images I found via Google search. I then reloaded the artist in XBMC to get the new artwork / metadata from TheAudioDB.com.

Once each of my artists had one background image being displayed I then used the CDArtManager add-on to download in to each Artists extrafanart sub-folder the artist extrafanart images. You then turn on a setting in the skin on the Art pull down menu for extrafanart and specify the path to the parent directory of your artists in my case SMB://WHS/Music which is the main music folder share on my WHS server.

The extrafanart is then displayed / rotated for the artist if available.

I also have the latest beta version of the ArtistSlideShow add-on installed which downloads and caches artist images from Last.fm for the artist slide show box.

(2013-07-08, 07:13)tuareg Wrote: No success. Unable to find required entry in guisettings.xml and home.xml.

Same here!
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