PAL <=> NTSC <=> HDTV switch?
i switch my tv aspect ratio and hd setup quite a bit and i think it would help quite a bit if i could do this with something other than the m$ dash. if xbmc could allow me to enable(disable) the widescreen or 720 or 1080i modes that would be awesome!
at one time was implimented in xbmp (as in player)

it likely wont be implimented into xbmc (as in center) because if the code is screwed it bricks your xbox.
Markeen Wrote:just one feature suggestion to add to an already long list Smile

could it be possible to have xbmc load each profile according to the video connector in use. i use two different connections scart and yuv (tv and projector). these two devices need two different calibration settings so i have created a profile for each one of them and of course if xbmc automatically loaded the correct profile on startup it would simplify things *:p

anyone interested ?

2006-07-25 T3CH CVS Changelog Wrote:* added: [ 1440803 ] Associate Profiles with AV pack. thanks to markeen. will be documented on soonish.

Yay - finally looks like they might have implemented this !!!!!!
Acer Revo R3700, XBMC Darma on Windows 7 - Xbox with X3, X3CP & X3IR, XBMC as dash, Xbox v1.4, Vantec 80mm Stealth Fan Mod
just a warning; this is not what markeen suggested, rather it is a per-profile setting, automatic. see the wiki
Can auto switching to NTSC be enabled when the HDTV pack is connected?
Can this be done without writing to the eeprom like when launching NTSC games?
I switch between my projector which supports NTSC 720P and a PAL tv which i use a different AV pack for.
Maybe make it a setting in AdvancedSettings.xml but ideally in the avpacksettings.xml.
I screwed my xbox a few years ago but now ive got enigmah on a disk and know what im doing now.
And i doubt someone would have a HDTV pack and a tv that doesn't support NTSC or at least without a different AV pack hanging around.
Maybe someone could 'just' make a small xbe program with a matching .cfg file (or xml) which only purpose is to quickly preforms a video-mode switching on the EEPROM in RAM before launching a specific xbe, kind of like what Team-XBMC's shortcut tool (source code available in the SVN) does but with the addition of on-the-fly video-mode switching (of the EEPROM shadow RAM copy only). That way users could always use that xbe to launch XBMC in the wanted video-mode each time, maybe even add an option to edit that cfg (or xml) file from XBMC settings in the GUI. (The source code from nkpatcher and/or cherry's videomode code could possible be of help, more information here)
Bad idea?
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PAL <=> NTSC <=> HDTV switch?0