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[RELEASE] RTP Play Video addon (Portuguese Television)
There's no version for eden (v11) and won't be. XBMC is about to reach helix v14 release...
Consider to update your system.

You can however try to download the zip file directly from xbmc repo and install it: http://mirrors.xbmc.org/addons/frodo/plu...-2.0.0.zip

However, chances that something might not work are high.
Hi, enen92.

Nice work on the addon. My parents love to be able to watch tv shows from their homeland again. Smile

Do you plan to release an updated version for Helix?

Sure. Is anything not working in kodi helix?
This seems to have stopped working for me. I am not getting any live channels listed at all. If I try to browse the a to z of TV shows I get a "Couldn't reach URL. Please check connection error".

It's not my connection, everything else is working normally Sad
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They changed the website and the api as well, the addon needs to be re-written. I will probably use this opportunity to fix it for kodi as well without sending multiple email's to the mailing list.
I was thinking that might be the issue but as I didn't see anybody else reporting it I wasn't sure.

Thanks for your hard work on this. Smile
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Version 2.1.0 (3/12/2014)
-Fixes due to changes on the website/api
-Added 'now playing' for live channels
-Minor fix for kodi
-Removed XBMC words
-Aeon nox specific window id's

code changes: https://github.com/enen92/plugin.video.R...762007c5e9

Should be in the official repository soon. If you don't want to wait you can manually download the zip from my dropbox: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1877...-2.1.0.zip
Thanks for your work and effort.
Aparently there's a problem with your addon and kodi 14 rc3.
None of the channels are working.

Strangely it was working with kodi 14 rc2.
Maybe it's related.
I'll check tonight after the game, I'm still running kodi rc2 on my htpc. However, find it odd to be related to kodi version. They are changing the website quite a lot so it might be related to that.

edit: tested it...script errors and vod not working lol.
I get a script error everytime i try to enter on the channel list.
No matter witch type of stream I choose in the addon settings.
Pushed an update to the repo (version 2.2.0) to fix the live listings.
Here's a copy of the update with a lower version (2.1.5) if you don't want to wait: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1877...-2.1.5.zip

thank you for all your support. do you accept donations?
(2014-12-10, 00:35)SatTech85 Wrote: thank you for all your support. do you accept donations?

No, if I'm not in need of hardware. For instance a few people here joined and offered me a cheap android box as I didn't have any android device capable of running xbmc but I didn't asked (nor ask) for donations.
If you're willing to donate spare some money and donate to the xbmc foundation. That's the only way your money can be used to improved kodi in benefict of us all.

But thanks, appreciated Smile

Thanks, enen92!
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[RELEASE] RTP Play Video addon (Portuguese Television)5