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Release Xbox One Skin
haha yeah i was gonna say something to but i think he's just busy.
I would imagine so Smile Just givin him a hard time haha
Hey toyota12303 i had a request only if it can be done can you make a little program that make the xbox home button on the controller act as (alt f4) as i don't use the controller power of service its cool an all but i just pull the battery out.

so is it possible to make the xbox button alt f4 so if im in a game i wanna hold the xbox button for 3seonds then the game close's ??
does this skin work on linux
@ADHDMedia : Hmm that's weird scroling across the top of the pins should be working fine, i've never had a problem with it. Anyway in the next update the pins will be working perfectly Smile
And as for the advert tiles they have all been fixed now and the update should hopefully be finished soon.

@fabiomello : Yeah sure after I have finished with this update then i will try and create a version that has no dependencies or anything, doesn't require a setup and is just a small XBMC skin for any platform.
Also in the next update the setup feature has been removed and will only pop up if you have never used the skin before. In the latest update there are some new features where if something goes wrong then you should be able to fix them from the settings, just from pressing the fix button.

@ADHDMedia : Yeah i've got Titanfall awesome game! but does get a little repetitive after a while. Anyone got Watch Dogs yet ?
And yeah sure ill add an option for that in the next update.

@iAMl3dgend : I'm not too sure yet, I've been really busy with work lately and haven't been able to do too much with this skin, but i have still been working on it when i can. The update should hopefully be coming out soon but i am unsure of when.

@iAMl3dgend : At the moment i haven't added in any new views but i will try and create some new ones for the update.

@senna99 : Hello senna99,
Thanks for that i will give it a go later on when i get back.
Best Regards

@TChain :
Hello TChain,
Thanks man! and nope i have never looked in to it and i doubt that an Xbox would be able to run this skin because of the really old hardware. But i may take a look in to it in the future Smile

@ADHDMedia : Hahah yeah bro I'm alive Smile

@iAMl3dgend : Yeah i have already created a program to do that, that's what i am currently using with my build.
When you press the guide button on an application it will close it and take you to the dashboard. When you press the guide button on XBMC it will open up the guide menu, and it will even check to see if steam or anything is open. Because steam uses the guide button for it's own menu.
Anyway i will try and include this in to the next update but you may have to use a different version of XBMC - just a tweaked version of Gotham - because this program may need to start up before anything else.

@Ankit : Yeah this skin should work fine on Linux, but some features won't be available such as the Internet Explorer app and things like that.

I haven't been able to do much work on the skin lately because of work, but i am still working on it and the update should hopefully be coming out soon.

In the latest update there will be 4 versions :

A 720p version for Frodo
A 1080p version for Frodo
A 720p version for Gotham
A 1080p version for Gotham

Also the latest update includes :

Windows apps such as 4OD, Demand 5, an updated YouTube app, updated alarm app and a few more.
Cleaned code & textures
A new feature where XBMC will now remember what you were doing last! in the last version each time you started XBMC the main dashboard tile would show an advert. This time it will remember where you last were. For example if you were on YouTube, you can just click on the tile and it will take you back to where you left off. This works the same for games, apps ect as well.
Added a new feature for you to boot back to where you left off instead of the dashboard. This is just as an option in the settings.
Removed the setup feature, on each update you won't need to run the setup. You just copy the update and that's it.
Added more development buttons such as fix errors, run setup, fix extendedinfo, view logs, clean logs, clean appdata, clean temp, backup game saves, restore game saves.
Improved animations
Improved settings window - it's more clearer and easier to find everything instead of in 1 big list.

I have also created a few small video addons that you can use if you are interested (These aren't required for the skin or anything)

PewDiePie Video addon - Shows all of his videos from his YouTube channel.
PlasmaPool Video addon - Shows some awesome music from the PlasmaPoolTV YouTube channel.
SixPackShortcuts Video addon - Shows all videos from Mike Changs YouTube channel and some great fitness tips.
TheSoundYouneed Video addon - Shows some music from there YouTube channel.

I can also create a few more if anyone has any ideas ? - It must be of a YouTube Channel!

These are very simple to make and i will upload a simple tutorial on how to make them soon, you just need to edit 3 or 4 names in the script, pick the fanart and icon and that's it!
What I've noticed is that currently when you move across the columns of tiles, it will remember what row it was on the last time I was on that column, if that makes any sense. So if I'm going across the top and then go down one, then keep moving across the top and then go back to that same column, it will automatically go down one to the last row I had highlighted in that column.

Doesn't matter if it's fixed! Lol thanks bro, looking forward to the update.
Thanks mate for the update Big Grin

best regards.
Sounds like a good update, Just hoping to see iplayer & spotify skin support at some point!
Hye, i need help. Just download the xbox one shell version. Just created new windows account and install on the new account. Sucessfully install. After that log of and log in into the acc nothing happen only black windows with floating mouse point. What the problem?. Im using windows 7.
Where you able to squeeze in the option for the movies, TV shows, music, and program as requested?? I love your skin, its incredible!
when your next update will roll outHuh
(2014-06-01, 07:56)Ankit Wrote: when your next update will roll outHuh

Should be soon.
@tungmeister : They're still not integrated at the moment because i've been very busy, but i will be adding them soon!

@mufflerexoz : If you take a look at my website, on the shell section there is a little section at the bottom explaining why this is happening and a way to fix it Smile

@Daisuke1988 : Nope not at the moment as i have had to completely change around the new store sections (See images below) but this will be added shortly.

@Ankit : I have been very busy lately and haven't been able to work too much on the skin, i have a week off soon so i will develop as much as i can and release an update Smile

In the latest update that will be coming out shortly i have recently added :

Completely new store layouts and optional buttons for either the store or your own library (You can remove the store if you don't want it)
Cleaned code
Better support for Gotham
Almost fully working versions for 1080p, 720p, Frodo and Gotham
Smoother animations - feels a lot better than previous releases
cleaned unused textures
removed some unused settings
cleaned amount of strings ect.
added kinect text when idle (see image below) + this can be disabled in the settings
added optinon to remove clock timer (It can either always be on, on when idle of off)
Improved live tv support
added colours
added gamerpics
removed requirements for some modules
improved setup
removed requirement to run setup on updates
improved development section
added optional fps and memory usage to top right of screen
everything cleaned up to look smarter and cleaner than previous versions
and it now even remembers anything you have been doing! for example if you shut down XBMC and you were last viewing the store, then the main activity tile on the dashboard will be for the store.

I am just fixing a few errors, adding more skinned video apps like 4od, iplayer ect. and then i will release the latest update.

Here are a few images of the changes :




I am also changing around the context menu and i should hopefully get it looking somethings like this :

It looks great! I can't wait to try it!
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