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I want a "My TV" section (with a separate database)
my current attack vector is:

get what we have working with the new stuff. db will get completely redesigned, work on this has been started.

i have done a couple of scrapers so i can test diff content.

now my plan is to add the actual video library window (i already got the underlieing filesystem classes working with the old db scheme) with the current views in it, then expand from there. that is, you can list videodb://1 (to get all them titles), just like you can list musicdb://1 to get all them artist (here the 1 is just an example - url based db access is the point).

however, i've been busy busy at work the later months and i do not expect that to change. when you code 10h a day at work, coding is not what you tend to prefer spending your spare time on. there will be progress, but mostly during weekends..
Completely understandable spiff, when I turned wrenches in my younger day the last thing I wanted to hear about was one of my own vehicles or a family members needing work.

Make no mistake however any effort you guys put out is greatly appreciated! I actually got into a spat at work with a gent that uses ava and when I told him I used XBMC he seemed shocked and said he thought it would have died a long time ago (ironic how the misinformed seem to have a strong opinion on subjects they have no idea about) turned out he tried it a short time after it went over from XBMP. Now I have converted him by doing nothing more than displaying the work you all have put into it so far.
as we now have officially switched to svn;

i have branched and will be putting my stuff in the videolibrary branch. so you guys should be able to follow my progress and report them bugs
fyi, part one of my world domination plan is done and put in trunk; the video library
So what is it you plan to do tonight spiffer?
"The same thing we do every night HR... try to take over the world!"

Would try a build on your branch now but I'll wait untill your ready for beta blasting Wink
get imdb up and running with the new scraper support.
Any updates? I'm home for the holidays starting this Fri (I travel for work - yuck) and would love to start beta testing since I'll finally have the time!
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
Would be great to have Spiff make a page or something detailing what he is doing... aka. Things he hopes to do, things he tried but is unable to do, things he has working, etc....
waste of time... I'm sure he'd rather spend the time coding. All I'm asking is if there will be a beta version coming soon to test.
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
True, but I can dream Smile
spiff has his own branch in svn with his work on it... feel free to try a build out.
Have you guys already heard about the work being done on Big Screen TV Series plugin for Microsoft Windows Vista MCE (Vista Media Center Edition)?

It says it still a work-in-progress but based on the screenshots and information here (part 1) and here (part 2) it already look very nice. It really sound as if they read the suggestions in this topic thread and tried to get most of the ideas in there, a own database and an own style for TV-shows which automaticle grabs icons and show/episode information from the internet; "what My Movies does for DVD libraries - this does for your collection of TV Series videos/recordings". It even features a view-mode options that is the same type of wide banner-type tv.com style icons and view-mode for TV-series that are available as a mod to the Project Mayhem skin, which I personally think look great when used for TV-series (and would be great if we could use as the default view-mode in the new "My TV" section). Though Big Sceen TV-Series view-modes only have text under the high-lighted item, like the latest XBMC SVN have for the list view-mode, which I have to agree that I think looks better than having text under each icon when in a wide banner-size mode.

Screenshots of their secondary view-mode option (which is similar to the XBMC wide icons mod that used tv.com banner-size icons):

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PS! Big Screen TV Series blog also contains other good ideas on making a media center interface slicker
Screenshots of Big Screen TV Series default view-mode (a style which reminds me of the Kaleidescape interface):
(I like that mirror-finish eye-candy, wonder if that could be done 'cost free' in DirectX 8 with the Xbox GPU?)

Image Image


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Thumbs Up 
Big Screen TV Series also have almost a Kaleidescape style view-mode option for wide banner-size icons as well:


Screenshots of their settings screens (for configuration and searches):

Image Image


...wonder if the scrape the TV-show information and those icons from tv.com or if the have a other internet source?
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Gamester... was this just an FYI because it looks nice but I'm not sure how this relates to XBMC?
Are you asking that the My TV section in XBMC use this as an example of what to do?
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
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I want a "My TV" section (with a separate database)1