EPG Genre mapping in XBMC
(2013-08-27, 18:22)hoopsdavis Wrote: OK, that makes since, so if I was to do this, with golf, I should be good:
<genre lang="en" type="0x40" subtype="0x00">golf</genre>

I'm not using schedules direct right now I'm using "Microsoft" but I have noticed you get better details with SD than microsoft.

Yes that will work. Now the disappointment that you are stuck with the pre-programmed genres. Confused

I am still missing a couple but here is mine.


Add don't forget you can map more than one genre mapped to the same pre-programmed one. for example you can have this:

<genre lang="en" type="0x40" subtype="0x00">golf</genre>
<genre lang="en" type="0x40" subtype="0x00">tennis</genre>

I'm gonna drop your file in and see how it works for me.
: Google TV | Kodi 20.0 | Samsung 50"                         \  Movies: 2734

Master Bedroom: Google TV | Kodi 20.0 | Samsung 43"     \  Music: Artist 220 |  Albums 1001 | Songs 106995
TheaterGoogle TV | Kodi  20.0 | Samsung 75"                    \  TV Shows: 62 |  Seasons 218 | Episodes 3858
(2013-08-27, 18:58)t-magnus Wrote:
(2013-08-27, 18:22)hoopsdavis Wrote: OK, that makes since, so if I was to do this, with golf, I should be good:
<genre lang="en" type="0x40" subtype="0x00">golf</genre>

I'm not using schedules direct right now I'm using "Microsoft" but I have noticed you get better details with SD than microsoft.

Yes that will work. Now the disappointment that you are stuck with the pre-programmed genres. Confused

I am still missing a couple but here is mine.


Add don't forget you can map more than one genre mapped to the same pre-programmed one. for example you can have this:

<genre lang="en" type="0x40" subtype="0x00">golf</genre>
<genre lang="en" type="0x40" subtype="0x00">tennis</genre>


OK, I do see some better results but with golf and tennis, I'm getting nothing.
Also, if you want Football to say football in the guide and not "Team sport" or just Sports, how do you make this happen?
Currently I get "Team Sport"
: Google TV | Kodi 20.0 | Samsung 50"                         \  Movies: 2734

Master Bedroom: Google TV | Kodi 20.0 | Samsung 43"     \  Music: Artist 220 |  Albums 1001 | Songs 106995
TheaterGoogle TV | Kodi  20.0 | Samsung 75"                    \  TV Shows: 62 |  Seasons 218 | Episodes 3858
(2013-08-27, 23:32)hoopsdavis Wrote: OK, I do see some better results but with golf and tennis, I'm getting nothing.
Also, if you want Football to say football in the guide and not "Team sport" or just Sports, how do you make this happen?
Currently I get "Team Sport"

That is what I meant by now being disappointed with only having the pre-programmed genres.

In other words, the colors are directly attached to the pre-programmed genre labels... if you want to use them, your stuck with the genre names that are attached.

I didn't have golf or tennis in my genre_translation.xml, so unless you added them they still wont be working.

OK that makes sense and yes I did add tennis and golf but nothing changes. I've also noticed I have a few things listed as "General" like different news shows.

So I can't link them to any particular genre because there are too many different show types with "General"

But what I have after using your genre_translation.xml file as a starting point I'm happy with it.

I appreciate it.
: Google TV | Kodi 20.0 | Samsung 50"                         \  Movies: 2734

Master Bedroom: Google TV | Kodi 20.0 | Samsung 43"     \  Music: Artist 220 |  Albums 1001 | Songs 106995
TheaterGoogle TV | Kodi  20.0 | Samsung 75"                    \  TV Shows: 62 |  Seasons 218 | Episodes 3858
Strange, I don't remember any General ones... Did you go back to Schedules Direct? Reset the MePo EPG? and reset XBMC PVR database?
(2013-08-28, 00:11)t-magnus Wrote: Strange, I don't remember any General ones... Did you go back to Schedules Direct? Reset the MePo EPG? and reset XBMC PVR database?

Yes I've reset both. I have not decided to go back to SD yet but I will today or tomorrow.
: Google TV | Kodi 20.0 | Samsung 50"                         \  Movies: 2734

Master Bedroom: Google TV | Kodi 20.0 | Samsung 43"     \  Music: Artist 220 |  Albums 1001 | Songs 106995
TheaterGoogle TV | Kodi  20.0 | Samsung 75"                    \  TV Shows: 62 |  Seasons 218 | Episodes 3858
Hey all I too was looking for a way to change the color genre and found your post. So I started to look for a better way. Well I found a way to do it. Check out my post on how to change EPG Color Genre.



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EPG Genre mapping in XBMC0