[LIVE] can't seem to get remote working with R3700

i have this remote:


works a treat with the windows version of XBMC!

i used this guide to get it working..... http://xbmccustomregis.sourceforge.net/

now i've gone to the darkside with the Acer Revo R3700 with the XBMCFREAKS LIVE install and i plug the receiver in but the remote isn't doing anything!

got the whole thing working with this guide: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=88369

(even managed to update the NVIDIA drivers with the newer version as that part of the guide is out of date Rofl )

i just need the remote to work and then i'm finished!

any suggestions on what to do as i don't fully understand it all but i will do as instructed!


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anybody please??!?
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This is purely a guess, but did you have the usb ir receiver plugged in while you installed XBMC Live? My guess is that it will be configured for you during the install. I could be completely wrong on this, and it is pure speculation.

If you ssh in and run irw (you may need to do sudo irw) and press keys on the remote do you see any output on the screen?

If not try rebooting the system with the receiver plugged in and try irw again.

If you are getting output, that means the ir receiver is setup, and it is a matter of making sure the mappings for XBMC is set up.

If you are not getting output, it means the ir receiver is not installed, or not seen and you will need to configure lirc (you probably should not have to do it).

If it is not working I would probably try a reinstall with the ir receiver plugged in before messing with lirc. I found lirc to be a dark place I would rather not visit again, and I had so much trouble getting mine going that I have now use openelec on that computer since everything worked out the box.

Good luck and stick with it, it is worth it in the end.
Ahh brilliant! Someone to help put it in laymans terms!

I didnt have it plugged in when I did the install.

If it's plugged in and I turn it on the receiver doesn't respond to input (as in it doesn't light up) if I unplug and plug it back in it lights up when I press a button but nothing happens to XBMC)

I'll have a Lil go on ssh'ing and report back. If not I'll reinstall!

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sshing in and running putty.

typing in sudo irw and pressing buttons on the remote gives me nothing on both xbmc and the putty window.

any other suggestions before the wipe?

is the xbmcfreaks version better for me than the standard one?
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I don't think the XBMC Freak version is going to be any different in this case. Honestly I think you have two options:

1) Reinstall live with the ir receiver plugged in

2) Give Openelec a try. If you are not familiar with it, it is considered an XBMC Appliance. Meaning there goal is to have something you just install and it works out the box. They still have not reached an version 1 release and are currently at Release Candidate 5, but I found it works very well. They have instructions on there site on how to do the install (which is done from a usb stick as well, so should work for you) and may be an easier option for you.

Depending on how hard it was to install live, you may just want to go with option 2. If it was not to bad to do the actual install, then I would try option 1, and if that did not work do option 2.

I understand your frustration with all this, I personally found the remote stuff to be the hardest thing to get working. Which is why I used openelec on that system. So really stick with it, once I had mine setup and working right, it is just amazing.
I have the exact same remote and got mine working after a little tweaking (although I am using using xbmcfreak).

If I remember correctly, the fact that irw isn't returning anything means that the device isn't being used.

My thread can be found under http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=101895

in summary, if you enter lsusb you can get the address for your usb device, mine was below and yours will most likely be the same:

Bus 002 Device 002: ID 147a:e03e Formosa Industrial Computing, Inc.

You then need to edit your lirc_mceusb.c file (details can be found in this post http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=91035) so that your ir usb device is in there (I found an existing entry for Formosa Industrial.... which had something like e03d which I chanced to e to match my device).

irw then started working.

The 2 threads shown above should go through all the details to get this working.

Good luck!
you guys!!!!

you've only gone and got my remote working!

all thanks to this thread - http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=91035

legends the pair of ya! made a LIVE noob love XBMC all over again!

oh and did a reinstall and the receiver still needed the guide going over it!

just need to find out how to "compile" (check me out! Cool ) the dual audio output into the LIVE version so can have optical and HDMI audio! (HINT HINT ANYONE!)

EDIT - been having a read, how do I make the USB ports stay 'awake' whilst in suspend mode so as to be able to resume via remote?

cheers again!
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Bay Trail NUC FTW!

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There is a section on the wiki that has some directions for that. It might work for you.

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[LIVE] can't seem to get remote working with R37000