Mplayer config files in XBMC?
Can I use mplayer config files in XBMC? (the ones for a specific video file).

I have created config file for one movie... and I have enabled config file usage in mplayer config file (at .mplayer/config)

However, whenever I try to run that movie in XBMC, config file is not applied.
I understand that XBMC uses mplayer? right?
What are you trying to set?
Maybe the settings you are wanting to adjust are in ~/.sbmx/userdata/guisettings.xml
*I am not a developer - just seen some video settings in there
you understand wrong, we do not use mplayer (haven't since the xbox days).
XBMC uses its own version of mplayer?

Is there any XBMC config files? that would set video, audio or subtitle setting for a particular movie.
no, we don't use any version of mplayer. we use our own video player.

you can set those settings from the osd and they will be saved in the db. but there is currently no way to provide this info from a file, no.

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Mplayer config files in XBMC?0