Media Stream Redux gone?
i just redid xbmc on my atv2 after upgrading to 4.3.3 and now it seems there are no links to media stream redux. I tried the download links that were provided and even looked for older versions but it seems they are all down at the time...even on the internet itself. I still have it on my other apple tv and i was wondering if i could somehow ssh into that apple tv and copy and paste something from there. I tried looking for the dharma repo as was suggested but couldnt find that either.

Also i noticed on one of my atvs when you refresh on a movie one version actually looks up the name you had given the file, and one always by default just has it look up "movies". I tried upgrading to a nightly on the other one but it still just does the "movies" search. Its not big deal to type in the right words but it is a whole lot better to not have to type anything especially on really long movie titles. Is something wrong with the stable release or is it just nightlies that can do this.
MS Redux is not compatible with nightly builds (yet).
My skins:


actually its on the stable release that its missing. Its missing from the repos all together. And the download links are not working. I dont mind the other skins but this is by far the fastest most crash free skin i've ever used.

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Media Stream Redux gone?0