HGTV, DIY and Food Networks all Don't work
Hi Everyone,

I am having trouble getting any of the episodes from HGTV, DIY and Food Network to launch. I can see them, but they won't play.

Any suggestions as to what the problem might be and possible solutions would be much appreciated.

Thank you.
I'm guessing geo-blocking. Are you outside the U.S.? Can you play the videos on the website? Here is a link
Nope, I can't play any videos from the link you provided me...So does this mean you're right?
That means they are blocking you based on location ):
Well then, that makes sense since I'm in Canada...I guess I'll look into a workaround.

Does anybody have any suggestions?
You could try a proxy. If you do and are successful let us know.

There is also a add-on that specializes in Canadian content, can't remember the name but a search should find it.
Parkos Wrote:Well then, that makes sense since I'm in Canada...I guess I'll look into a workaround.

Does anybody have any suggestions?

Yeah there are ip proxies and the next step up is VPN from what I understand. Ex-pats often kick down for a VPN service to get geo-blocked TV content and as a side benefit it makes filesharing basically unbustable unless your VPN service is subpoena'd which to the best of my knowledge has never actually happened. I would not go there for HGN shows online but as a bonus you would have streams from Hulu, Netflix US content and British iplayer content to boot.

VPN's are also a much more secure way to work if you are one of those people who likes to sit in the coffeeshop and access data from work or whatever.
Acer Revo 3610 w/ Ubuntu 10.10, Giada Cube Win 7, 2 ATV 1's one w Crystal HD card, UnRaid server w/ SAB/SickBeard/Couch Potato/Transmission, MacBook Pro, Hackintosh Dell Mini 10v
divingmule Wrote:There is also a add-on that specializes in Canadian content, can't remember the name but a search should find it.

Oh look HGTV Canada is on the list.
Acer Revo 3610 w/ Ubuntu 10.10, Giada Cube Win 7, 2 ATV 1's one w Crystal HD card, UnRaid server w/ SAB/SickBeard/Couch Potato/Transmission, MacBook Pro, Hackintosh Dell Mini 10v

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HGTV, DIY and Food Networks all Don't work0