Sharing library between devices
In my living room I have an Acer Revo 1600 running Windows 7 with XBMC. I have a external 2TB HDD attached to it with my movies, music, tv shows. All works great.

However, I am wanting to do a few things. I recently bought a second Revo (found on craigslist basically unused for $20!). My thought was to put this in the bedroom and watch media from the downstairs external. I'd also like to be able to watch media on my iPhone using the XBMC cydia app.

I tried checking Google and searching here, and did find some stuff about setting up MySQL, but I really don't want to have to do that if I don't have to as that is very confusing to me.

How would I go about setting this up?

If you don't feel ready to tackle fully integrating libraries with a shared MySQL database right now, do you export your library to individual files? That does a lot by saving the art files and nfo files identifying your videos for SBMC scrapers in the idiviual folder with your video files to speed up and guarantee that secondary XBMC installs pick-up the same art and file info as your "main" XBMC library.

If you always add content first on the main install always export library to individual files from that one and the other libraries will follow its lead every time they reboot and rescan their library.

Sharing to the other XBMC instances could be as simple as enabiling Windows file sharing (SMB) on your "main" XBMC.
Acer Revo 3610 w/ Ubuntu 10.10, Giada Cube Win 7, 2 ATV 1's one w Crystal HD card, UnRaid server w/ SAB/SickBeard/Couch Potato/Transmission, MacBook Pro, Hackintosh Dell Mini 10v
You could create a symbolic link of your database on your second media player pointing to your primary player. This way the share the same database. Setting up an SQL server is fairly easy. There some good how-to ducuments out there taking you step by step.
Pros: you can add as many HTPC as you like
Down: loading a library can be a little bit slower compared to normal.

An other advantage of symbolic links is that you can point all fanart an such to your primary player so they share the same files. Again this is a little bit slower.
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seand Wrote:Sharing to the other XBMC instances could be as simple as enabiling Windows file sharing (SMB) on your "main" XBMC.

How would you go about doing this?
1. Enable UPnP sharing on the "server" instance.
2. Connect the "client" instances via that (the upnp share will show up in "files" under videos and songs, but should have the metadata there).
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Sharing library between devices0