XBMC not updating library
Hi all,

I'm not able to update my library at all in xbmc, in fact it never worked over the past few days that i'm playing with it. I always thought it was an issue with sickbeard as I have it installed as well but when looking at it today it seems that xbmc doesn't even update my library.

Can anyone help me with this plz? Over the past few days I've reinstalled xbmc several times on a clean Windows installation. At the moment I only have AEON MQ2 skin installed but for now reverted back to the default one.

Please have a look at my debug log files. When i give xbmc the commend 'scan for new content' or 'update library' it doesn't do anything, i see in a blink of an eye a small window popping it but it goes real fast.

This one is from a clean library where i only put 1 movie into a test folder and I scanned it, no problem here.

This is one where i added a new movie in the d:\test folder and restarted xbmc. Didn't scan at startup but also not when i gave the command manually.

Please anyone can help me with this?
nvm i got, i feel soo stupid. I had the option 'exclude path from library updates' on by default. I must have over read it as I thought it was something like it shows the full path of the movie in the library

SadSad Tongue
had similar problem:
- Under fileView (not library), "seek new" and nothing.
* goto content change and there ok... seeking new..

Using 06.08.2011 build, seems to work now..

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