Xbmc Pvr build etc. on Apple Tv 2 box
xbmc pvr build on apple tv 2 is it possible ? and cant i just run a fresh install of maverik minimal on the apple tv 2 box and then install xbmc pvr ? or whats the deal, i just ordered one so i hope it will work with my tvheadend server and so on Smile
PVR build? You can. Info and build links somewhere in: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=94905

Replacing iOS with Linux? No.
JaizEdelmann Wrote:xbmc pvr build on apple tv 2 is it possible ? and cant i just run a fresh install of maverik minimal on the apple tv 2 box and then install xbmc pvr ? or whats the deal, i just ordered one so i hope it will work with my tvheadend server and so on Smile

This is the last guidance you get... next time you'll need to search and read for yourself..... Wink

PVR on iOS


For those that think I'm being a bit of a dick, I already guided the OP out of the Development forum into here....

If I have helped you in any way, please forgive me, it was entirely accidental.
Cranial Wrote:For those that think I'm being a bit of a dick, I already guided the OP out of the Development forum into here....

I'm not sure I understand. I've seen iOS-PVR discussion there before. It is the only subforum specific to PVR-builds.
Ned Scott Wrote:I'm not sure I understand. I've seen iOS-PVR discussion there before. It is the only subforum specific to PVR-builds.

I realise this, but I guided the OP here after they hadn't used the search function. That was okay, everyone makes the mistake at some stage.

But then the OP came here and made a new thread after obviously not searching or looking at all. So I thought I'd nudge them towards the more polite way to do things.

But then again, maybe I'm just getting old and grumpy Big Grin

If I have helped you in any way, please forgive me, it was entirely accidental.
Cranial Wrote:I realise this, but I guided the OP here after they hadn't used the search function. That was okay, everyone makes the mistake at some stage.

But then the OP came here and made a new thread after obviously not searching or looking at all. So I thought I'd nudge them towards the more polite way to do things.

But then again, maybe I'm just getting old and grumpy :D

it's these damn kids getting on our lawns and playing their loud music! :D
* davilla waves his rolled up newspaper in the air Smile
davilla Wrote:/me waves his rolled up newspaper in the air Smile

That's it, I'm off to the shops to buy brightly coloured shoes and t-shirts with swear words. I need to shed my old man grumpiness now!

Anyway, hope the OP found the info they needed in the PVR thread.

If I have helped you in any way, please forgive me, it was entirely accidental.
davilla Wrote:/me waves his rolled up newspaper in the air Smile

LMAO you do that too? Rofl

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Xbmc Pvr build etc. on Apple Tv 2 box0