Possible to use substring in <texture> tag?
I am trying to get storage flags working in a more general way:
<control type="image">
      <description>Storage Image</description>
The visible part works great. However the texture is not displayed. If i hardcode the texture as flagging/storage/01.png it works.
Substring is a boolean condition that only returns true or false.
Hey Walt,
nice to see you here,too...

BTW: Why using substring? Just try ListItem.FilenameAndPath...

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using ListItem.FilenameAndPath will yield a faulty texture path.
Lets say that FilenameAndPath == "/media/HD01/foo.mkv" then the texture path should be "media/taggings/storage/01.png". If I would set texture to ListItem.FilenameAndPath then it would be:

So that is clearly not working.
Any other idea except for copying:
<control type="image">
over and over again for each "/media/HD(\d+)"?

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Possible to use substring in <texture> tag?0