Which version of Natty is best for pre-Eden (desktop? minimal?) ?
I was hoping to use Ubuntu 10.04 for XBMC 11.0 (Eden) but it looks like it requires uxlaunch so I have to upgrade...

Should I install Ubuntu Natty Desktop, Server, or Minimal?

This is going to be a 100% dedicated XBMC machine. I'd like it to boot directly into XBMC w/o and "Unity" GUI or anything else...
Debian Sid.

You can get around using uxlaunch, make a very basic minimal system. This madness of Ubuntu breaking crap every 6 months is getting old for me. My girlfriend's laptop spent 3 hours upgrading yesterday and then when it came back the first thing she said was "It looks different."
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Which version of Natty is best for pre-Eden (desktop? minimal?) ?0