Unable to connect to remote server (scanning)
Hi All,

Setup my XBMC last week and all has been going well until today.

My scanning has stopped working and it logs the message;

"unable to connect to remote server
Would you like to continue scanning"


Windows 7, XBMC 10.1

all help is welcome
From a brief look it seems as if there's no result using the yahoo musicvideo scraper. Nothing we can do about it, sorry.
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Go into System settings, Add-ons, Enabled Add-ons, Video Add-ons and uninstall the YouTube add-on by selecting it, pressing Return and choosing the Uninstall option. Then go into System settings, Add-ons, Get Add-ons, Video Add-ons and reinstall the YouTube add-on.

This may seem an odd way to fix the problem, but an accidental dependance was built in to v10.1 so if the YouTube add-on gets uninstalled or broken it breaks the scraping.

jhsrennie Wrote:Go into System settings, Add-ons, Enabled Add-ons, Video Add-ons and uninstall the YouTube add-on by selecting it, pressing Return and choosing the Uninstall option. Then go into System settings, Add-ons, Get Add-ons, Video Add-ons and reinstall the YouTube add-on.

This may seem an odd way to fix the problem, but an accidental dependance was built in to v10.1 so if the YouTube add-on gets uninstalled or broken it breaks the scraping.


This is just a guess or did i miss something - like eg. content: movies - in the log?
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I added a music video folder recently so will delete it.

I've never used the youtube addon, so will remove that as well.
Ok, i removed the music video share and uninstalled the yahoo and youtube addon. Which has stopped the annoying message.

thanks for you help
vdrfan Wrote:This is just a guess or did i miss something - like eg. content: movies - in the log?

When you've seen the Youtube add-on cause the problem several thousand times it becomes your first guess :-)

jhsrennie Wrote:When you've seen the Youtube add-on cause the problem several thousand times it becomes your first guess :-)


It was/is not accidental btw.
In order to play trailers links from youtube, you need to have the youtube plugin installed.

I think this kind of issues happen when something broke during the downloading of the scraper addon and/or the user doesn't wait and for example quit xbmc before all dependencies were downloaded.

Actually personally I only saw cases where the missing youtuble plugin caused the problem. I didn't see any cases where it was installed, but one had to uninstall and reinstall again to get it work.

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Unable to connect to remote server (scanning)0