[ATV1/Ubuntu 11.10] How to set max_cstate
I have Apple TV1 setup with Ubunto 11.10 and XBMC Dharma stable
Everything is running great except for my network connection is slow/choppy
I know it is because my max_cstate is not set to 2

In 8.04 I could edit /etc/modprobe.d/options and add
options processor max_cstate=2

However in 11.10, I cannot find out where to set this.

Also - how to set cpu to PERFORMANCE mode after a reboot
I set it this way:
sudo bash -c "echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor"

But a reboot reverts it back to some power-saving mode

Any help here is appreciated
It appears that network speed is a problem in 11.10

Governor reverts because you aren't setting it permanently. Remember the norm is to configure in sysctl.conf, or in this case, the cpufreq governor settings. I set using /etc/default/cpufrequtils (see July update).

Verify max cstate is being set, else specify it as a kernel flag.
Hi Sam
Thanks for the hints

*note: This is Oneiric 11.10 - straight build, not a live usb or Crystalbuntu

/etc/default/cpufrequtils - does not exist
-I installed cpufrequtils and can control it but a reboot reverts back to 600mhz
-still /etc/default/cpufrequtils does not exist

sysctl.conf - I am looking for syntax for cpu governor, but no luck just yet

Max_cstate Current:
Kernel command line: root=/dev/sda4 ro vesa video=vesafb intel_idle.max_cstate=1

Kernel command line: root=/dev/sda4 ro vesa video=vesafb processor.max_cstate=1

However in 8.04 ubuntu I'd see:
Kernel command line: root=/dev/sda4 ro vesa video=vesafb processor.max_cstate=1
*Unknown boot option `processor.max_cstate=1': ignoring
*ACPI: processor limited to max C-state 1

*info from dmesg

How can I verify what cstate is being used?
thanks for the assist

I understand it is Oneiric. Lucid is probably a better target as it is LTS.

Put the CPU clocking in rc.local then or @reboot in cron.

cat /proc/acpi/processor/CPU0/power |grep max_cstate

Will inform you of cstate
thank you

8.04 shows:
cat /proc/acpi/processor/CPU0/power
active state: C0
max_cstate: C1
bus master activity: 00000000
maximum allowed latency: 8000 usec
C1: type[C1] promotion[--] demotion[--] latency[001] usage[34331243] duration[00000000000000000000]
C2: type[C2] promotion[--] demotion[--] latency[001] usage[00000000] duration[00000000000000000000]
C3: type[C3] promotion[--] demotion[--] latency[057] usage[00000000] duration[00000000000000000000]

11.10 shows
cat: /proc/acpi/processor/CPU0/power: No such file or directory

I'll take care of the "clocking on reboot" later (using your suggestion).

network speed is slow (about 300k per second)
I am wget'ing files off the internet to get speed result.
my advice is to stay with LTS, why are you trying to install Oneiric anyway?
something to do.
Watching XBMC on Apple TV is great but I like rebuilding it.

and I figured out the speed problem
Kernel command line: root=/dev/sda4 ro vesa video=vesafb intel_idle.max_cstate=1 nohpet

now wget works F-A-S-T
72% [===========================> ] 23,576,928 2.83M/s eta 4s

No HDMI sound - using TOSLINK but thats ok
You will get HDMI sound back if you compile 2.6.24 series and install 100.14.19/23 drivers. Good catch on hpet!
My other 3 apple tv 1's are 8.04 with HDMI sound

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[ATV1/Ubuntu 11.10] How to set max_cstate0