mkv pixelation with xbmc running on revo 3700 Windows 7 x86
Hi All, I've just purchased a Revo 3700 last week and installed Windows 7 onto it along with XBMC to use with my HD TV etc.

I've installed Windows 7 from scratch along with the latest NVidia drivers for the ION CPU etc, apart from a couple of network drivers I've not installed anything else.

I seem to be getting a problem with video playback with MKV 720p & 1080p files

When playing with XBMC if you play any MKV file and try to skip forward forwards or back I get lots of pixelation break up, it corrects itself after about 15 seconds but it's very anoying to say the least.

I've enabled DXVA2 in the video settings but I'm still getting the problem, I've played about with the rendering in the settings but again still not solved it.

I've tried this with lots of MKV files, they playback fine with my Xtreamer.

Could anyone give me some advice

I've added a screen shot of what the problem looks like below

Thanks in advance

Pete Oo

I think Debug-log request will be the next thing Dev team might ask.

Quoting jhsrennie:

To see if this is the case we need to look at the debug log.
Open the debug log by pressing Windows-R and in the Run dialog type:
(including the quotes). Click OK and the log should open in
Notepad. Copy and paste the log into and
post the link it gives you here.

1. enable debug-log from settings/
2. restart xbmc and try to go the error-like procedure through i.e. do only the smallest amount of stuff to reproduce the problem.
3. post the log to pastebin and inform this thread. Smile
Does the problem depend on the film? I get that sort of pixellation after a jump with some films but not with others, and some films display it more than others.

I don't think there's a lot you can do about it (except not jump!) though I believe the impending v11.0 release of XBMC has had some work done on this problem.


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mkv pixelation with xbmc running on revo 3700 Windows 7 x860