[AppleTV1] Eden Beta 1 unusable too sloooooow
Sorry if this has been posted before but couldn't find it in the search.

I have just updated from the menu to Eden beta 1. It seems to just run very slowly for instance the Eden screen at the beginning takes almost a 30 seconds to disappear. Just navigating the menus takes about 20 secs to select the Videos menu. Looks like it has become resource bound (CPU maybe?)

I left it overnight in case it needed to update add ons etc, but it was still unusable in the morning.

But I can regressed back to 10.x and everything is fine.

So do I need to delete anything?
xbmc.log or no soup.
If you need help getting that log: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW...g_for_ATV1
its not just you, I'm noticing a huge slowdown. It seems to improve when you use a lighter theme.. instead of using aeon, i am now using confluence and its a little smoother even if it is uglier.
Here you go: http://pastebin.com/LwWGVd9X

Asmuch as I could get away in pastebin. I can upload more if required.

Please help. I dont find flattening old configurations to get it working on Eden
Are you per chance using the central SQL databases? If so, have you made sure your permissions are right? I had this exact problem tonight and it was because I didn't have the SQL permissions right - causing the system to run horribly.
looks like permission problem:

243.14:31:25 T:2684407808   DEBUG: Copying from MyVideos58 to MyVideos34.db at /Users/frontrow/Library/Application Support/XBMC/userdata/Database/
244.14:31:25 T:2684407808   ERROR: SQL: Can't copy database. (11)
245.14:31:25 T:2684407808   ERROR: Unable to copy old database MyVideos34 to new version MyVideos58

and corruption

404.14:31:35 T:2684407808   ERROR: SQL: The database disk image is malformed
405.                                            Query: PRAGMA cache_size=4096
406.14:31:35 T:2684407808   ERROR: Connect failed with 'SQL: The database disk image is malformed
407.                                            Query: PRAGMA cache_size=4096
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
This is just a plain vanilla upgrade to eden b1 from the ATv 1 gui. I haven't changed any permissions.

Each time I upgrade to b1 I gett the same issue.

Can I flatten something, ie remove a directory before I install b1 to avoid this issue.

Try first without SQL

Then drop the old database and start new with a library import
database conversion didnt work for me either going from Dharma to Eden beta1

Of course if you MySQL machine also runs XBMC you should upgrade that first to get the new database.

For me the Eden beta1 runs fine one ATV with Transparency
I'm using DDS fanart and dirty regions
Movies and thumbnails are NFS mounted from an ASRock ION running Eden

feels faster than Dharma

Startup takes a bit and of course during addon updates the system is quite busy

going into the TV shows view takes twices as long as on the ASRock - i guess thats the penalty for MySQL over the network

DEBUG: RunQuery took 840 ms for 378 items query: SELECT * FROM tvshowview

DEBUG: RunQuery took 1782 ms for 378 items query: SELECT * FROM tvshowview

Anyone else with MySQL timings in that order ?
I have tried again with Beta 2. Marked improvmnt on Beta 1 for performance, howevr it is still slow.

So how do I "Try first without SQL

Then drop the old database" ?


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[AppleTV1] Eden Beta 1 unusable too sloooooow0