Error 2: share not available ATV2 V11 BETA 3

I have today jailbroken my ATV2 and installed XBMC V11 Beta 3 to it. Whenever I try to add my files by Windows Network (SMB) I am getting the Error 2: Share Not Available.

I have googled, youtubed and searched the forums for the problem. All the settings are correct on my computer with the shared boxes ticked. I am running a Macbook Pro Lion.

Does anyone have any ideas?

as now i've experience with smb, i sense to say you check twice and one time more the settings.

The proof for it to work flawlessly is to access the share from any other machine other than atv2 (e.g. a linux box)

I say so cause smb seems to be working as intended on my updated atv2.
Sambaserver on Lion is incompatible with XBMC ... search for lion and smb in the forum and you will find it somewhere ...
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
I've had this after upgrading from beta 2 to beta 3. I moved my units around and found that if i had them wired previously and now they were wireless.. i was getting this error. I had to wipe XBMC and start again to get it to like the new network config.

My wireless streaming has also gone to pot, with streams freezing (not always pausing) and dropping back to XBMC. this happened continuously until i wired them. Wireless was fine before beta 2.
Use AFP, NFS, or restore SMB in Lion with
Something as simple as installing the SMB sorted the problem! Wish I asked here straight away instead of wasting most of yesterday on the thing! Thanks a lot for all your help!
Hi all,

Im now having problems with SMBup. I installed it all fine and it worked perfectly however after restarting the computer and the application it wont work. When you click the start button it asks me to enter my apple admin password, then the the circle goes green for a matter of seconds then it just goes red with like a timer spinning round the outside.

I reinstalled it and it worked fine then just like before once you turn the app off it looses itself and won't work.

Any ideas what to do?

Hmmm i found by unchecking the file sharing box in system preferences it all works fine now.

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Error 2: share not available ATV2 V11 BETA 30