Strange problem with Rosewill MCE remote + URC RF20
I have a strange issue with my setup. When I have the RF20 imitating the rosewill MCE remote, the up and left keys do not work properly. They are good for one press, and subsequent up or left commands don't register until I press down or something and then the remote will do another single up or left push.

This problem does not happen with the Rosewill remote itself. It also does not happen when I have the URC remote imitating the HP MCE remote I have. The reason that I am trying to use the Rosewill instead of the HP is that the Rosewill is capable of powering on my HTPC from a completely off state.

Any ideas?
Hi, sorry to reply to an old thread, but did you ever resolve this? I'm having pretty well the exact same problem as you, except that its my right and left arrows. Up and down both work fine. Hopefully someone has a solution!

Sorry, my turn to bump an old thread. Did you ever find a solution to this? I'm having the same issue with left/right arrows.
Problem solved! All it took was making the RF20 remote "re-learn" the left and right commands. It seems that during the learning phase, it sometimes doesn't catch the "full" signal....I noticed the same issue with some other buttons that I tried to map. Re-learning each did the trick.

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Strange problem with Rosewill MCE remote + URC RF200