Apple TV 2 XBMC, static IP address and external?
Has anyone found a way to use their web interface add on outside of their home network? I also would love to know a way to assign the Apple TV a static IP so that the parents don't have to figure out the new local IP address, or if there is a known way to login using your external IP address that would be the best.

thank you
Both would be done on your router. Set up a static IP on the router, and then forward whatever port XBMC is using for the web UI (port 8080 or 80, normally).
DynDNS has a client you can run on your PC or routers support it too, but I just run the client on my machine cause before I think my router didnt do it so well way back when. I also use static IP addressing via my router and keep all my devices DHCP.
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Apple TV 2 XBMC, static IP address and external?0