Auto scrolling movie collection ???
Hi Guys,

Is there any way to automatically scroll my movie collection , so as not to keep pressing button on remote

Not that I know...

XBMC media library is about choices... so how would one make choices when the target is moving? Perhaps something like 'list' view will allow more on the screen at one time and faster page scroll through using the slider. I personally use a mouse wheel and can flash more titles than my eyes can keep up with.. just a matter of input choice.

Perhaps you need one of those media centre input devices? or better still MS Kinect.. just wave your hands or fingers about, then there's the wife..
you can do this w/ VoxCommando. I believe its a default command.

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(2012-09-10, 18:07)transcender Wrote: you can do this w/ VoxCommando. I believe its a default command.

Yes I have tried Voxcommando and it does work a treat, but was looking for a command so can set it up on my touch remote

Thanks for your suggestion


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Auto scrolling movie collection ???0