Can't play movie trailers
For some reason trailers won't work for me anymore. Does not matter what skin I use. It does not work for any skin, so it must be XBMC itself.

They used to work, but just stopped working randomly...
They won't load when I highlight the movie - press "i" "trailer"

Sometimes I'll get this message -
"Playback failed" "Couldn't locate video URL"

Other times I won't get any message at all.

Any ideas?
Most of the links in the .nfo file are referencing Youtube trailers, and there has been some changes recently with Youtube, even the Youtube add-on is broken ATM hopefully this will be rectified soon. It should be noted that if the trailer is local and in the same folder as the video... XBMC looks for that first and should play it.

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Can't play movie trailers0