Need nelp with encrypted video url
Hey guys just seeing if anyone had any experience getting the url from an encrypted flash player file parameter below is an example of one. I'm assuming the encrypted string in the 'file' parameter is the video link. If I had to guess it's the flash player that is decrypting the string and playing the url but how can I tell? Any suggestions on how to start figuring this out? I've even decompiled the player but it's been awhile since I coded a flash app and it's really different from what I remember so I can't figure out where in the code it would be. Just to add the encrypted url is a youtube video I can of course grab the url just fine through firebug and such but I need to grab it through code.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var so = new SWFObject('','playerID','700','530','9');
    so.addVariable('plugins', 'ltas');
        so.addVariable('', 'hvadkgzsubhxohs');
so.addVariable('file', 'VmtkNGIxUXhTa2RhUm1ob1UwZDRWVlZyVmt0T1JuQkhWV3hLVVZWVU1Eaz0=');
so.addVariable('type', 'vide0');
so.addVariable('id', 'jwplayer1');
so.addVariable('autostart', 'false');
so.addVariable('menu', 'true');

here's the link to the page itself if anyone wants to play with it.
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it's Ok I figured it out. I took a look at the flash player source code again and found where it was decoding the string.
though donation is not necessary but just in case you want to: Donate Here

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Need nelp with encrypted video url0