Music Library
I have imported all my music files into the XBMC music library.
How can I now edit the library files.
For example:
Under artists I have Bee Gees & The Bee Gees.
How to get them both in the same group.
I looks like you can change it under artist information but it won't save the changes.
Xbmc reads the tags contained in your files. You should edit the tags from Bee Gees to The Bee Gees
Sounds easy, how would I do that?
(2012-11-02, 08:03)rocky289 Wrote: Sounds easy, how would I do that?

Use a tag editor, such as kid3-qt (or kid3 for KDE). If you're running a version of *buntu, you can install kid3-qt via Synaptic.
Thanks I'll give that a try.
Not exactly sure what version I am running now.
Originally I downloaded XMBCbuntu 11 Eden iso.
Wrote it to a cd & installed it as a stand alone os on my media centre pc.
Initially had some teething problems getting the wireless & video drivers sorted.
During the course of this I was promted to update even though I had selected to receive that doing the install.
I proceeded with that & was then prompted to upgrade. I elected to proceed with that which was supposed to be 12.04.
So I am assuming that is what I am running.
Since you're running XBMCbuntu, you should use kid3-qt (use Synaptic to install it).

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