Complete noob, any help grateful
I've read the sticky at the top, so please don't flame me Smile

Cut a long story short. I want xbmc on my tv. I don't use my laptop much except to download video files (avi)

I am a complete noob, i was trying to source Apple TV ver2 but at £150+ just to watch a few select channels it isn't worth it. I use my IOS devices daily but have no interest in storing music on anything other than my ipod.

I read that sportsdevil, icefilms etc are available through XBMC. Also read that a whole host of other channels are available but i would mostly be interested in sports.

Do i just buy a Raspberry pi unit? Any particular version required? My brother is studying HNC in computer programming and is familiar with Linux/C++ and the other half also used Visual basic when she studied programming many moons ago.

I will have basic support, but i stress i am a complete noob. What's my best option (apart from "step away from the equipment" noob)

Any help is gratefully received, thanks Smile
Yes. It is only 35 bux. What have you got to lose? Just work out what you need to buy to make it work.
Usb power supply
Network storage or usb disk
Wireless usb
Usb hub
Hi gsi, i bought the Pi a few month back, and installed xbmc on it, even though the build on it is not a stable one, it does work a treat, streaming fine, and accessing my drives via upnp, i really can't fault it really.....ok, there are a few gripes, the main one for us, is its a little slow at the GUI, but to be honest, i guess ya get used to it, but for the cost, its a no brainer....heres a link for you to buy a complete setup...

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