Bug ?? Total TV-Show count is wrong

I have the following directory structure for tv shows


This results in multiple entries (in my case in 3) for one show in the tvshow table in the database.
Because the Property "TVShows.Count" is equal to the count of rows in the tvshowview, this might be wrong.

The question is - is this by purpose or is it a bug?
It is not on purpose or bug, if you ended have same TV show in different locations you will have same TV show entry for each location.

Each TV show should be in one folder and you will be fine.
You can have different sources or even when adding a source have multiple paths source for TV shows, however the count only works in library mode, since when using Files>Source Tvshow only counts the shows added in that source if paths are not in same source.

Like this

bring context menu over a source

add source and browse - set a path
click add

A second source path should appear under that one, repeat add source and browse - set a path

Set content to this multipath source and save.

Should all work ok now under this.

see this for a what I tried to describe above


sorry about quality but xbmc doesnt take screenshots of this menu for some reason.


Hi uNiversal,

what you described is exactly like I set up my source for TV content.
I just don't understand why there are 3 entries in the movie database.
One for the show under the path D:/DATA/TV/TV_SHOW_1/SEASON 1/,
one for the show under E:/DATA/TV/TV_SHOW_1/SEASON 2/
and one entry for the multipath of this show.

If XBMC adds the tv shows like that to the database the count(1) sql on the tvshowview gives a result that's not true.
Maybe there should be a count(distinct c00) to give the result to TVShows.Count in the CRecentlyAddedJob class.
Perhaps like burke said you cant have same show in different sources,

It works fine with 1 show 1 path.

I don't believe he's talking about how it appears in the GUI, but rather that having it as two sources (which does appear fine) is causing the "total TV show count" to be off.
Thanks Ned Scott, that's exactly the problem. The GUI works fine with multiple paths for one show, only the show count is wrong.

I just noticed that the database has multiple entries for on show in my setup, but only one of this entries (the multipath entry) is referenced in other tables.

This made me think that maybe this might be a bug or maybe that's intentional. I just would like to know Smile

Maybe one of the devs could answer this questions, because I cant find the answer in the code.
See http://trac.xbmc.org/ticket/13513
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sorry for unburrying, will this be adressed? happening to me too
The ticket referenced above by jmarshall seems to be in somewhat quiet over the last 5 months.
And the reference within the ticket itself, also made by jmarshall, for what i guess is a potential fix ,is a dead link Huh
So we have no idea if this will be fixed at all within kodi Sad

And i have episode totals and watched counts showing without rime or reason but not sure if these are related to this ticket item.
Hopefully i can find a moment to install kodi in the living room tonight or tomorrow and see if the issue is indeed resolved Smile

Anyone know if this issue has actually been resolved in kodi (before i install an alpha build on my htpc) ?
I'm a XBMC novice :)
I think he did fix it, IIRC. If you do try a nightly build, be sure to make a total backup of your xbmc settings folder (the parent to the userdata (wiki) folder). Or just use the Backup add-on.
Thanks Ned. I simply did an install using KodiSetup-20141017-93233dd-master.exe (which i downloaded a while ago) and had no issues...
Unfortunately i still have odd counts for my tv series, for example i have counts like total=42, watched=5, unwatched=42 (or similar where watched+unwateched =/ total =/ actual total) !!

I'd like to have the count working going forward and though i'm not too fussed with blowing the install and starting from scratch (i use local metadata), is there some simpler way to fix these problem counts?
I'm a XBMC novice :)
Not that I know of, but that's not saying much since I'm not very knowledgeable about skinning issues and labels.
Did you do a clean install including removing the entire database and rescanning

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?? Total TV-Show count is wrong0