Multiple audio signals?

I wrote a quick player class like such:
PHP Code:
class BackgroundPlayer(xbmc.Player

so I can play some music tracks, separately from the regular xbmc.Player(). Bow it looks like everytime I start a video from the interface, it stops my custom player automatically. I am not really surprised, but I would like to have some control so when a video file is to be started, I could get a warning, then fadeOut my player and fadeIn the main player.

I saw that xbmx.Player() had the method onPlayBackStarted(), but when it's called, it is already too late. Is it possible to make the main player wait before starting video playback so I can do my thing first? Or is it even possible to have several playbacks at the same time since I created my own player. I googled it and it seems impossible, but it's all old posts from years ago.

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Multiple audio signals?0